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RE: The collectives are not NIL, and that is what the NCAA,

Posted on: May 16, 2024 at 10:52:09 CT
wtk UT
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7.55 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
per the supreme court, nobody can prevent any person from getting paid. So what we have. Will not go away.
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New NIL deal for Luther - El Zorro MU - 5/16 06:49:44
     Shocked more companies aren't coming in for him, he - ADelpiero10 MU - 5/16 18:46:52
     So actual, real NIL. nice. - alwaysright MU - 5/16 07:36:48
          Luther might be the closest thing to what real NIL should - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 5/16 10:03:48
               The collectives are not NIL, and that is what the NCAA, - alwaysright MU - 5/16 10:19:56
                    correct (nm) - zounami MU - 5/16 18:53:05
                    RE: The collectives are not NIL, and that is what the NCAA, - wtk UT - 5/16 10:52:09
                    Why are they not? These players are absolutely marketing - Gavin Citrus MU - 5/16 10:47:40
                         that's not what NIL is (nm) - zounami MU - 5/16 18:54:36
                              Maybe it wasn't the initial intent - Gavin Citrus MU - 5/16 20:52:24
                         Not what NIL meant, it’s what unregulated NIL turned into - alwaysright MU - 5/16 15:50:45
          Burden's Vienna Chip deal was real NIL, they sold a ton of - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 5/16 09:52:29
               That is correct, although Luther’s chips sound disgusting - alwaysright MU - 5/16 10:19:00
                    No (nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 5/17 12:35:57
                    his original chips were delicious - NewZou MU - 5/16 19:34:38

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