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Why do you advocate for your beliefs to be turned

Posted on: May 16, 2024 at 10:40:15 CT
4TigersinMichigan MU
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21.73 yrs
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into laws? And yes, Natural Law is a belief. One you believe is inherently clear and obvious. But it is your belief.

Tell us why your beliefs should be turned into laws?
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          Hopefully they didn't give his address. (nm) - JeffB MU - 5/16 12:17:48
     Nothing in that bothers me. nm. - MUTGR MU - 5/16 11:23:21
     He is a Christian who was asked to speak at a - Outsider MU - 5/16 11:19:44
          We are a country where if anyone thinks differently that - TigerMatt MISS - 5/16 11:50:40
     Pretty much, or at least he gave the kids something to - hokie VT - 5/16 10:57:06
     A good father sets the tone for the children on how to act - MU-TULSA MU - 5/16 10:48:25
     Do you think God would rather an elderly or - TigerMatt MISS - 5/16 10:40:18
          RE: Do you think God would rather an elderly or - Achmed MU - 5/16 11:18:01
          We never missed a week of services, never gave up the - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/16 10:52:04
               Want a cookie?(nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 5/16 11:13:47
                    I do - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/16 11:14:58
                         Name your favorite kind. I could be happy just - TigerMatt MISS - 5/16 11:16:30
                              Oatmeal chocolate chip are my favorite - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/16 11:18:13
                                   gross(nm) - CulturedDan KC - 5/16 11:19:17
                                        I’m gonna have side with 4Tigs. My wife makes a ton - TigerMatt MISS - 5/16 11:23:22
                                             Potbelly Sandwich Shop has them - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/16 11:36:05
                                                  Really. You have just gained them a lunch sale - TigerMatt MISS - 5/16 11:49:29
                                                       I work on commission for them - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/16 11:50:14
                                                            Haha. Bonus time. (nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 5/16 11:51:27
          Remember church was created by man to celebrate Christ, no - MU-TULSA MU - 5/16 10:51:44
               It has nothing to do with HAVING to go to Church - Spanky KU - 5/16 12:51:33
               ahem - CulturedDan KC - 5/16 10:55:01
               On the other hand, the church is where Word and Sacrament - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/16 10:53:57
                    The sick and dying are not supposed to be denied - Spanky KU - 5/16 11:00:18
                         In none of your pictures do I see them inside a church.(nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 5/16 11:15:41
                              Where did Butker say "in a church"? - Spanky KU - 5/16 11:46:52
                                   Tears welled up in my eyes when I read the story of Joseph - TigerMatt MISS - 5/16 12:00:39
                                        As we all know now, those fears were unfounded - Spanky KU - 5/16 12:06:30
                                             As was Meaney’s belief he needed the Anointing of - TigerMatt MISS - 5/16 12:14:52
                                                  and? - Spanky KU - 5/16 12:25:30
                                                       He was willing to put his beliefs in some sacrament - TigerMatt MISS - 5/16 13:24:26
          yes(nm) - tman MU - 5/16 10:50:19
          Where did Butker say that? - Spanky KU - 5/16 10:46:26
          (he also said "it is finished" it didn't want his body - CulturedDan KC - 5/16 10:45:43
          We're all gonna die from the VID!!!!(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 5/16 10:44:32
     REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 5/16 10:40:00
     Why should Catholics advocate - meatiger MU - 5/16 10:38:38
          Karen, he didn't say anything about laws(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 5/16 10:43:46
               RE: Karen, he didn't say anything about laws(nm) - meatiger MU - 5/16 10:47:34
                    So speaking nonsense that doesn't apply? Got it(nm) - AWOLTiger KC - 5/16 10:56:13
                    So you simply made up an issue that had nothing to do - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/16 10:49:51
                         RE: So you simply made up an issue that had nothing to do - meatiger MU - 5/16 10:56:04
                              and for what did he go after the politician? (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 5/16 10:57:39
          Why do you advocate for your beliefs to be turned - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/16 10:40:15
               First, natural law is not a belief. - ummmm MU - 5/16 11:23:59
                    I love the notion natural law is not a belief - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/16 11:49:12
                         Correct, it's not a belief. (nm) - ummmm MU - 5/16 11:51:04
                              And that is your belief - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/16 11:53:06
                                   It's not a belief. Sorry. (nm) - ummmm MU - 5/16 14:38:07
                                        Then prove it - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/16 19:24:14
               You still don’t understand the difference between positive - TigerMatt MISS - 5/16 10:41:20
                    Is that an answer to the question, that was not asked of you - hokie VT - 5/16 10:51:19
                         You’ve already proven you will never understand (nm) - TigerMatt MISS - 5/16 12:16:43
                    I do - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/16 10:43:08
                         Do you believe murder should be a crime? Do you believe - TigerMatt MISS - 5/16 10:47:46
                              Of course I do which, wait for it - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/16 10:49:13
                                   RE: Of course I do which, wait for it - meatiger MU - 5/16 10:58:13
                                   maybe, for an exercise, you can demonstrate for us - CulturedDan KC - 5/16 10:54:27
                                        I cannot - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/16 10:57:17
                                             no one else disagrees with you because those are - CulturedDan KC - 5/16 11:00:21
                         "enforcing negative laws" - CulturedDan KC - 5/16 10:46:33
                              Agree it was clunkily worked - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 5/16 10:51:06
                              That is what happens when you twist and spin(nm) - meatiger MU - 5/16 10:49:09

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