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Well, 7 of the B1G schools are < 4 hrs drive from StL

Posted on: May 11, 2024 at 07:14:15 CT
TampaTiger87 MU
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15.58 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
I mean, his family will get to see him on some easy trip home games, and some doable trips to Columbus & Ann Arbor as well.

In contrast, outside of COMO..ARKY, OU, Vandy, and Lexington are solid 4-5 hours trips..and those are the close ones.

I'd prefer driving 2hrs to see.mykid play at home..with the above mentioned SEC trips...but to each their own.
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          2 words DAN LANNING. Dan from KC, coached hs - TampaTiger87 MU - 5/11 01:41:29
               That's the west side - Lanning has no HS - tigerdb MU - 5/11 08:21:53
                    RE: That's the west side - Lanning has no HS - sarasotatiger MU - 5/11 12:00:40
                    Other than relationships with all the coaches and players - phrejd KC - 5/11 09:51:49
                    He recruits the whole state- did for UGA- & - TampaTiger87 MU - 5/11 09:45:51
               RE: 2 words DAN LANNING. Dan from KC, coached hs - cybertyger MU - 5/11 05:45:48
                    AGREED.. dude is a hippie Daddy Warbucks for sure - TampaTiger87 MU - 5/11 07:07:20
                    How nice does a weight room need to be anyway? - redngray MU - 5/11 06:08:05
                         RE: How nice does a weight room need to be anyway? - sarasotatiger MU - 5/11 12:02:00
                         Well, 7 of the B1G schools are < 4 hrs drive from StL - TampaTiger87 MU - 5/11 07:14:15
                              Plus Oregon is pretty high profile - Genco98 MU - 5/12 18:31:05
          just a beautiful place... - Leader_of_the_bandwagon MU - 5/10 22:47:33
     RE: Thought we had a good shot at getting this guy - sarasotatiger MU - 5/10 21:22:15
     RE: Thought we had a good shot at getting this guy - sarasotatiger MU - 5/10 20:13:57

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