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I'm talking fixing games with other bettors

Posted on: April 17, 2024 at 15:01:16 CT
Genco98 MU
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5.67 yrs
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inside information, that sort of thing. Not he himself wagering big bucks from a personal account.
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Porter Brothers - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 4/17 13:45:12
     I heard Coban gets sentenced on Friday. - shorty MU - 4/17 14:42:56
          Leonard Little killed a young woman driving drunk - alstl MU - 4/17 17:04:46
     You missed Cierra Porter who had a fine career for Mizzou - Mormad MU - 4/17 14:35:57
          shouldn't you then also include relatives like Singleton? - Valley Tiger MU - 4/17 14:41:34
               Pingleton, not Singleton(nm) - Valley Tiger MU - 4/17 14:43:57
                    Pingeton. (nm) - shorty MU - 4/17 14:47:20
                    hey DOC, there is an edit button you can use - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 4/17 14:45:51
          Posts about her belong on the All Sports board. :-)(nm) - shorty MU - 4/17 14:41:31
     mizzou needs no part in the Pepperdine brother - ZouMiz STL - 4/17 13:58:53
          Id still take him - atMIZZOUnow MU - 4/17 14:06:36
               I think you need to be careful if any of these other - Genco98 MU - 4/17 14:27:57
                    odds of that are extremely low (nm) - zounami MU - 4/17 14:33:14
                         I agree he easily could have pulled this at Mizzou - Genco98 MU - 4/17 14:48:13
                              Online betting is still illegal in Missouri. I doubt he had - shorty MU - 4/17 14:55:01
                                   I'm talking fixing games with other bettors - Genco98 MU - 4/17 15:01:16
               would get pushed around in the sec(nm) - ZouMiz STL - 4/17 14:08:06
                    His weight is listed at 225 lbs. MPJ is listed at 218 lbs. - shorty MU - 4/17 14:29:05
     Sr was already an asst at MU on the women’s side - FIJItiger MU - 4/17 13:53:34
          He was a men's assistant coach for Romar at UW - Valley Tiger MU - 4/17 14:43:10
     Been a rough few years no doubt - implode STL - 4/17 13:52:36
     MPJ was injured before his first game (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/17 13:49:07

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