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Great article - Mizzou in on two 5 stars & two 4 stars on OL

Posted on: April 5, 2024 at 08:57:14 CT
El Zorro MU
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20.70 yrs
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I count three 4 stars at wide receiver and a 4 star at RB and another at LB.

Drink is swimming in deep waters - could be an all time class for Mizzou.

Fasusi sounds like he was waiting to see what kind of QB we'd be bringing into the 2025 class.

The next two months should be fun.

Who needs an AD? :-)
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     Related article on potentials adds - bagpipertiger MU - 4/5 08:43:20
          Great article - Mizzou in on two 5 stars & two 4 stars on OL - El Zorro MU - 4/5 08:57:14
               Yeah, to say I'm excited about the future of the program... - BigWally MU - 4/5 17:41:41
               he needs to be getting a greater volume of top guys. - phrejd KC - 4/5 11:06:34
                    RE: he needs to be getting a greater volume of top guys. - hangman MU - 4/5 11:13:13
                         ok - phrejd KC - 4/5 11:14:39
                              The point you are missing is he needs to be getting a - TigerMatt MISS - 4/5 19:01:45
     Fasusi will most likely commit - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 4/5 07:53:39
          related to Fauci? - alwaysright MU - 4/5 07:56:47
               TTJ(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 4/5 08:05:27
     me too - MizzouAstro MU - 4/5 07:29:15

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