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JG in trumpland

Posted on: March 23, 2024 at 13:17:35 CT
Member For:
20.86 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Any sort of casual exposure to tigerboard has the effect of making one question their sanity. If after spending some time on this fine board you have questioned your sanity you are perfectly sane. If not , then rest assured you are as
bat shiite crazy as Perjury Taylor Greene, et al.
Years of wading into the asylum never quite prepares one to continually axe, can this possibly be happening? As the crazy train long ago rolled of the rails.
But even after these decades along comes a story that does not take the cake, it takes an entire chain of bakeries!

But please -check to see if I have this right (as I invariably do).

Along about December 2020, someone had the bright idea
to form a company called DWAC (Digital World Acquisition Corp). It is a company that produces nothing, does nothing and evidently owns nothing of value. Since its beginning it has dwelled in the murky world of stock manipulation and pushing the envelope of legality.
It seems that its only purpose and value was in merging with Donald J Trump's non existent (at the time) Truth Social.

Now Donald J Trump has spent his entire lifetime cheating ,swindling , defrauding and screwing any business entity or person he has ever come into contact with. He has currently 91 criminal indictments facing him, he owes 454 million for just some of the fraud he has committed in his lifetime. He owns Truth Social which in the first 9 months of 2023 raised 3.4 million ( in itself a seemingly impossibly high number ) and lost 49 million.
Now this probably illegal merger between a seemingly worthless company and a proven money loser has been given a look at you straight in the eye valuation of 5 BILLION dollars. Of which a full 60% is trump's money pit of (un)Truth Social.
Bear in mind this valuation is almost entirely based on......wait for it..........

Donald J Trumps good name!

But wait there's more.

There is supposed to be a provision where the good name
of Donald J Trump (whose money losing truth social is worth 3 billion bucks) can not divest for 1.5 years to protect the dupes foolish enough to put any money into this scam. BUT of course the trump stocked board can agree to trump selling his shares upon the first board meeting OK it. Meaning buying a new Prius would look
like a savvy investment once you drive it off the lot compared to this sham.
The only thing even remotely believable about this incredibly brazen grift is the SEC giving the go ahead to this shaft.





lets not forget that trump intends to name facebook an enemy of the people iffen he becomes dictator for a day and a lifetime.

And the band plays on.
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JG in trumpland - JG MU - 3/23 13:17:35
     a SPAC is created with the intent of acquiring a company - ashtray UF - 3/24 09:10:58
     Why do you spend so much time on this board (badly) - Reagan STL - 3/23 14:00:20
          Mostly for my own amusement - JG MU - 3/23 14:21:03
               So it's for an NPD reason. Shocking(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 3/23 16:12:30
               You vow to not reply to anonymous posters - MIZ45 MU - 3/23 15:28:48
               At least you're honest on this post that you're not a - Reagan STL - 3/23 14:25:55
                    LOl how am I not conservative? - JG MU - 3/23 14:30:10
                         ^^^ Voted for John Kerry ^^^ - Wildcat KSU - 3/23 21:01:33
                         "Jump through (regulatory) hoops for the privilege of - MIZ45 MU - 3/23 15:29:56
                         That's a weak reply. Is that yours or is that one of the - Reagan STL - 3/23 14:39:03
                              I could axe how am I liberal? - JG MU - 3/23 14:42:30
                                   You're not a liberal. You're a far left authoritarian. - MIZ45 MU - 3/23 15:30:45
                                        He believes in Freedom - Wildcat KSU - 3/23 16:12:10
          He has over half a million posts between 4 handles - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 3/23 14:08:19
               by the way - JG MU - 3/23 14:39:45
                    Don't forget to add in Toger. - Reagan STL - 3/23 14:41:27
                         LOl Toger is 4tigs in Michigan's brother - JG MU - 3/23 14:43:49
               LOL name the 4 - JG MU - 3/23 14:17:56
                    JG, Junglegeorge, Irish.....and the other handles not - MIZ45 MU - 3/23 14:29:29
          you OK, bro? - Ace A - 3/23 13:53:09
               Weird reply (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 3/23 14:05:13
     didn't read, see a pyschiatrist (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 3/23 13:31:47
          You also don't vote. Nor watch Missouri basketball during - Ace A - 3/23 13:38:12
               JG doesn't vote for R's nor D's, but he's an expert on Trump - 90Tiger STL - 3/23 14:19:38
                    How is that perplexing to you? - JG MU - 3/23 14:23:58
                         try to follow the thread by reading posts other than your ow - 90Tiger STL - 3/23 14:25:11
                              LOL Mein Gott - JG MU - 3/23 14:28:45
                    you should post a third time - Ace A - 3/23 14:21:44
               dumb (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 3/23 13:41:28
                    Yes. But you do it anyway - JG MU - 3/23 13:42:22
                         ZING! (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 3/23 13:57:26
               As he's entitled to - MIZ45 MU - 3/23 13:41:12
                    he is like a food critic who never ate at the cafe - Ace A - 3/23 13:48:27
                         No, I don't need to vote to understand politics, DOC (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 3/23 13:57:50
                         You clearly don't watch football but make comments on it - MIZ45 MU - 3/23 13:55:50
                         You are a food critic who only eats 7/11 hotdogs - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/23 13:53:09
          of course you didn't - JG MU - 3/23 13:32:52
               Best advice you'll get today . - RHAYWORTH MU - 3/23 13:36:18
     Lol you need an audit asap. Them thetans goin wild(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 3/23 13:30:48
          so I do have it just right. thanks - JG MU - 3/23 13:31:37
               Naw you're just bat $hit crazy lol(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 3/23 13:36:35
                    Exactly. From the lying deranged delusional POV - JG MU - 3/23 13:37:59
                         "If you don't believe in moon aliens, then YOU are the crazy - MIZ45 MU - 3/23 13:40:11
     Time to go----it's TDS and JG again (nm) - mu7176grad MU - 3/23 13:27:51

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