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you mean the JV team? i really think you've lost your f'n

Posted on: February 2, 2024 at 17:37:25 CT
blake1771 MU
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18.99 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
mind. Did Trump grab your wife by the p*ssy or something?

how's this.. Biden tauts his foreign policy experience all the time. The adults are back in charge yadda yadda yadda. But the world political climate is NOTICEABLY worse under Biden than under Trump. There's no argument.

Biden, in typical hypocritical fashion lambasted Trump for taking out the Iranian General, but now he's doing the same thing.

so that's fine if you want to criticize Trump for that bombing, but you'd think you'd be criticizing Biden for doing the same thing while being a hypocrite about it.

but nah, it's somehow still Trump's fault with you.

very weird dude. like possibly you have an obsession and need to seek mental health assistance. i'm being dead serious.
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     The heroes that lost in Afghanistan - El-ahrairah BAMA - 2/2 17:45:01
     Five days ago these 'strike back' raids would make more - Ozland Tiger LSU - 2/2 17:38:58
          We had to let them know where we were going to strike to let - hokie VT - 2/2 17:48:35
               He should retreat like Reagan after the barracks bombing - El-ahrairah BAMA - 2/2 18:12:35
     if we had your Hero - JG MU - 2/2 17:28:12
          yeah, b/c look at all those wars he started when he - blake1771 MU - 2/2 17:29:49
               well he did eliminate ISIS once and for all - JG MU - 2/2 17:31:39
                    you mean the JV team? i really think you've lost your f'n - blake1771 MU - 2/2 17:37:25
                         Jg has rapidly advancing dementia along with narcissistic - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 2/2 17:46:15
                              And yet with alarming alacrity I crush your lies - JG MU - 2/2 17:48:15
                                   That's the dementia talking - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 2/2 17:57:13
                         Wars are cool when muh Dems are in charge!!! - TIGERROAR MU - 2/2 17:41:16
                         No doubt you missed the part where I clearly - JG MU - 2/2 17:41:14
     Best thing you can do - JayHoaxH8r MU - 2/2 17:17:25

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