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Surprised me as well. Good man; Very good coach

Posted on: December 6, 2023 at 13:02:17 CT
samclemens MU
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26.03 yrs
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but strong defense is his specialty. That's not been the DNA of Middle Tennessee State. Offense has been their strength.
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     who should they have hired, Reino? - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/6 13:25:39
          This says Casey Woods was one of the candidates - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/6 13:43:46
               thanks, seems like Mason is as good or better than - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/6 13:47:01
                    You dont know that at all. lol(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 12/6 13:59:14
                         that's why I used the word, "seems" - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/6 14:24:14
          Why, your boy Odom of course(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 12/6 13:27:32
               nice dodge (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 12/6 14:00:24
               so you have no reasonable answer to this question? - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/6 13:28:18
     What’s their budget compared to their - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/6 13:07:32
          I believe they have the biggest enrollment in the entire - hefeweizen MU - 12/6 13:13:09
               it's the worse job in the Sun Belt - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/6 13:25:57
                    worst(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 12/6 14:05:48
                         on my phone and making typos left and right - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/6 14:24:53
               That wasn’t the question (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 12/6 13:18:50
     Surprised me as well. Good man; Very good coach - samclemens MU - 12/6 13:02:17
          and.......doesn't win as a head coach - cal tiger MU - 12/6 13:26:58
               he has 2 of Vanderbilt's 9 bowl appearances - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/6 13:29:52
                    franklin won with the previous coaches recruits - cal tiger MU - 12/6 14:00:16
                         oh, okay - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/6 14:27:58
                              RE: oh, okay - CPA MU - 12/6 15:17:19
                         Joker Phillips' kids?(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 12/6 14:02:14
                              that was UK - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 12/6 14:25:27

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