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THE SNAKE - best insurance policy in America!

Posted on: November 25, 2023 at 01:26:30 CT
El Zorro MU
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20.68 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Not sure Horn is the answer - but THE SNAKE is - he’s has been there - done that - against top division 1 teams.

Quickest release and strongest arm on the team.

Need that insurance policy to stick around
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I know it was just mop up duty but… - jhawkkiller MU - 11/24 19:41:51
     Horrible outing going 0-1, maybe next time(nm) - Erwin Fletcher STL - 11/24 20:23:11
     It was mop up duty (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 11/24 20:11:35
     Brady couldn't hit the broad side of a barn in the - Outsider MU - 11/24 19:52:15
          Horn should have gotten in earlier and let throw the ball. - PinkDrink MU - 11/24 19:54:07
          RE: Brady couldn't hit the broad side of a barn in the - JangoFett MU - 11/24 19:53:44
     He got one throw. He fastballed it. nm - PinkDrink MU - 11/24 19:44:05
     He's very green. Hopefully he can shine when he gets some - JeffB MU - 11/24 19:43:35
          We’ve got a top 5 SEC QB in Cook for 2024 - BurgTiger MU - 11/24 19:51:16
               It would be nice to have a backup for Cook with some in-game - JeffB MU - 11/24 20:02:34
                    We do. The SNAKE.(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 11/24 20:14:08
                         THE SNAKE - best insurance policy in America! - El Zorro MU - 11/25 01:26:30
                         For the bowl game... but will he be back next year? - JeffB MU - 11/24 20:15:24
                              If he wants to start, I can’t see him back.(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 11/24 21:08:57
               Should land a couple good SEC backs too. nm - PinkDrink MU - 11/24 19:55:43

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