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Maybe, maybe not. Purge is coming either way

Posted on: November 4, 2023 at 11:35:34 CT
zoomer 99
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4.98 yrs
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You better hope Jews step up and sacrifice their lives to protect their American dogs, because nobody else will be saving you.
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     Or maybe people get smarter as they age - JimD MU - 11/4 11:24:21
          Not based upon those results.(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 11/4 12:46:33
          Maybe, maybe not. Purge is coming either way - zoomer 99 - 11/4 11:35:34
               Nonsense and blather - JimD MU - 11/4 12:29:14
                    you’re wrong on everything (nm) - pickle MU - 11/4 14:21:01
                    Israel isn’t a democracy. It is an apartheid state.(nm) - TigerMatt STL - 11/4 12:49:50
                         Palestine is a democracy - El-ahrairah UGA - 11/4 13:06:21
               The vast majority of boomers were young liberals - KC rules MU - 11/4 11:57:12
                    Modern Islam is more conservative than Judaism/Christianity - zoomer 99 - 11/4 12:09:55
                         I’m not. Religion and conservatism go hand in hand - KC rules MU - 11/4 12:14:19
                              The pope is a commie - El-ahrairah UGA - 11/4 12:24:13
                    I dont think hes waiting for conservatives to die - El-ahrairah UGA - 11/4 11:59:33
                         He will be extremely disappointed - KC rules MU - 11/4 12:02:22
     Lol man you zoomers are a different breed(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 11/4 10:21:29
     GAT, being 165, skews those numbers by himself.(nm) - glue MU - 11/4 10:12:34

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