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Yup. Naive sophistry. L'terriers think they are special

Posted on: September 23, 2023 at 10:58:00 CT
hokie VT
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8.56 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Because they are, "none of the above".

Everyone is stupid, except them.

Both sides are bad, both sides are the same, but the liberterriers are the way.

All I ever hear from the Terriers is the same crap we hear from the Idiot The asstray and the sovereign citizens. Very simplistic, very facile, very naïve arguments that only tear down everyone else without putting forth any real solutions.

They will say that their solution is… Freedom. Or something equally vague.

Liberterriers, I've spoken with have no solutions other than, "both sides are wrong". I asked a libertarian candidate one time what he would do differently. He was taken aback by such an outlandish question. He said both sides are the same.

They think the country sucks. They think it's the fault of politics, they think it's the fault of government, and they want to tear everything down and start over.

They seduce the stupid by pointing out problems and flaws. But they have no real answers. How many times have the sovereign citizens on this board been asked what they would do differently and where and when has their perfect society ever existed on planet earth?

They're answer is, "both sides are the same".
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     You are a naive child(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 9/23 10:19:16
          Yup. Naive sophistry. L'terriers think they are special - hokie VT - 9/23 10:58:00
               I love posts like this - meatiger MU - 9/23 12:05:01
                    I KNEW someone would post that. Figures it'd be you. To - hokie VT - 9/23 12:21:26
                    \Hokie is an extremely unintelligent troll - JG A - 9/23 12:08:42
                         Whew the irony(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 9/23 12:25:30
                              Can you guess the best part? - JG A - 9/23 12:53:01
                         JGiny, JGcrisy (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 9/23 12:09:34
     It's really nationalist v. globalist now. nm - MUTGR MU - 9/23 10:12:12
     I lean between conservative and libertarian, however - fatrat MU - 9/23 10:08:11
     Who Cares? - mu4ever DUKE - 9/23 10:07:46
     Wrong board. - RHAYWORTH MU - 9/23 10:00:23
     Its not just that the state can and should - GA Tiger MU - 9/23 09:47:09
          Governments cause far more damage than people do - meatiger MU - 9/23 11:48:27
          How can siding with individual rights ever be wrong?(nm) - hefeweizen MU - 9/23 09:49:13
               Is this pointless question intended as a rebuttal? - GA Tiger MU - 9/23 10:04:29
               when u defend criminals instead of the innocent - RHAYWORTH MU - 9/23 10:01:52
                    So criminals should not have any rights?(nm) - meatiger MU - 9/23 11:49:05
                         No, but they shouldn't be given free rein to terrorize peopl - Tigrrrr! MU - 9/23 12:30:34
                         Nice try meat. - RHAYWORTH MU - 9/23 12:16:37
     The 2 paragraphs that say it all................. - Bulldog Bob Brown STL - 9/23 09:45:59
     Wrong board - Tigrrrr! MU - 9/23 09:44:17

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