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RE: basically white man ****(nm)

Posted on: August 22, 2023 at 13:56:30 CT
TheShoe STL
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Today's things that make me go hmmmmmm - Eggs MU - 8/22 13:49:53
     how about a black person texting you the "thumbs up" - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 8/22 14:04:42
          "white thumbing" is cancelable nowadays(nm) - TigerA MU - 8/22 14:06:07
     my parents cannot get wifi at their residence(nm) - TigerA MU - 8/22 13:59:34
          so your dad is still beating it to magazines??(nm) - cnk ATL - 8/22 14:07:11
               dial up (nm) - TigerA MU - 8/22 14:07:29
          Do you they live in 1983? (nm) - SatoriTiger JC - 8/22 14:00:00
               no, in Washington(nm) - TigerA MU - 8/22 14:01:11
                    1983 washington street cant get wifi? - colonel angus beef KC - 8/22 14:02:34
     Roundabouts suck(nm) - redngray MU - 8/22 13:59:00
          only b/c people don't get them(nm) - TigerA MU - 8/22 13:59:50
     - people who are new to Tigerboard in 2023 (nm) - KCT-BoneTiger MU - 8/22 13:58:45
     Street walking could be back problems - Tptiger MU - 8/22 13:57:57
          wait a minute, was sabertooth's thread below a - CulturedDan MU - 8/22 14:23:47
          but your back problems came from being run over - colonel angus beef KC - 8/22 14:00:39
          This is why I offer street walkers a nice bed at night - SatoriTiger JC - 8/22 13:58:48
     Have heard people walk on the street vs the - playhard KC - 8/22 13:55:52
          I think I'll take my chances on the sidewalk - Eggs MU - 8/22 13:59:47
          getting hit by a car feels harder than walking through air - colonel angus beef KC - 8/22 13:58:26
     I thought you came up with McMuffin's DH names(nm) - cnk ATL - 8/22 13:55:15
          He is McMuffin (nm) - SatoriTiger JC - 8/22 13:56:02
               wait, what?(nm) - cnk ATL - 8/22 14:05:29
               Mind blown(nm) - Eggs MU - 8/22 13:58:33
     basically white man ****(nm) - TheShoe STL - 8/22 13:53:43
          RE: basically white man ****(nm) - SatoriTiger JC - 8/22 13:55:02
               RE: basically white man ****(nm) - TheShoe STL - 8/22 13:56:30

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