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Ford (and GM) are government bailouts waiting to happen

Posted on: August 18, 2023 at 12:00:48 CT
Ferg MU
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25.21 yrs
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they can't compete with Tesla. Unfortunately, instead of letting these dinosaurs die, the government will bail them out again... then again.
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     Lots of problems with the forced electric vehicle - Sarazen KC - 8/18 12:01:14
     Ford (and GM) are government bailouts waiting to happen - Ferg MU - 8/18 12:00:48
     A shame it didnt go up in a ball of fire(nm) - DollarSigns MU - 8/18 11:15:36
     Not much of a "road trip" there. (nm) - ummmm MU - 8/18 10:39:10
          I feel like there's more time spent charging than traveling(nm) - DC Jayhawk KU - 8/18 13:04:38
     iPhones suck - anyone willing to drive one with wheels - TrumpToRushmore MU - 8/18 10:11:32
          Iphones work better than american cars(nm) - El-ahrairah UGA - 8/18 10:16:41
               Not really - have you attempted an actual phone call with - TrumpToRushmore MU - 8/18 10:19:46
                    My iPhone makes calls just as well as my Samsung.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 8/18 10:58:11
                         Hey murderer - what's up? Are you licking your chops for - TrumpToRushmore MU - 8/18 13:13:09
     he had to stop twice in 550 miles? - tigerinhogtown STL - 8/18 10:08:27
          No.... he gave 2 examples against his 4900 mile roundtrip - Spanky KU - 8/18 10:26:32
               Is that what he did? Article suggests it was just a small - ummmm MU - 8/18 10:40:57
                    Route 66 does not go to Palo Alto... It went to Santa - Spanky KU - 8/18 11:05:32
                         why are you arguing with us? - CulturedDan MU - 8/18 11:12:03
                              Apply some critical thinking to an article before taking - Spanky KU - 8/18 11:14:12
                                   Did he take a 4900 mile roundtrip across Route 66? (nm) - ummmm MU - 8/18 11:18:47
                                        The story is unclear. if he took a "cross-country road trip" - Spanky KU - 8/18 12:03:35
                                             So you were confused when you wrote this - ummmm MU - 8/18 12:48:48
                                                  Nope. Clearly a "cross country roundtrip on Route 66" - Spanky KU - 8/18 13:33:45
                                   so it was a cross country trip?(nm) - CulturedDan MU - 8/18 11:15:24
                                        That's what the article stated in its lead paragraph - Spanky KU - 8/18 12:05:28
                         Easy to get all those Mexican neighbor names mixed up - Toger STL - 8/18 11:10:11
                         I'm not the one that said he made a roundtrip 4900 mile - ummmm MU - 8/18 11:09:32
                         I'm aware of that. Hence my last post. (nm) - ummmm MU - 8/18 11:08:40
          I can go KC to STL on one tank of gas but choose to gas - Tigrrrr! MU - 8/18 10:21:59
          RE: he had to stop twice in 550 miles? - CulturedDan MU - 8/18 10:10:28
               you know it wasn't a "cross-country" trip - right? - tigerinhogtown STL - 8/18 10:18:12
                    Route 66 does not go to the Bay area - Spanky KU - 8/18 10:31:15
                         maybe you should give yahoo some feedback(nm) - CulturedDan MU - 8/18 10:40:34
                              Maybe you should apply some critical thinking to an - Spanky KU - 8/18 11:14:53
                                   i didn't repeat anything from the article(nm) - CulturedDan MU - 8/18 11:16:05
                         "He followed Route 66 from Palo Alto, California, to Las - tigerinhogtown STL - 8/18 10:39:26
                              any intelligent person knows that Route 66 was the - Spanky KU - 8/18 11:11:37
                                   yes, but I am NOT intelligent enough to know Palo Alto - tigerinhogtown STL - 8/18 13:02:42
                                        Seriously? - Spanky KU - 8/18 14:36:00
                                   15 from San Diego north near LA then NE to Vegas. - Toger STL - 8/18 11:23:53
                                        It is a cr@p trip! - Spanky KU - 8/18 12:09:07
                              Jim Rockford did that.(nm) - Toger STL - 8/18 10:49:20

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