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RE: SB, what happen to Sammi Huck and Lilly Whitten

Posted on: June 6, 2023 at 14:56:39 CT
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3.64 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
You can not renig on monies promised in your signed nil, but in the power 5 there is some wiggle room for how you give that money over the 4 years since power 5 nils are not year to year unless specifically stated and signed that way. For example if your nil is 60% LA can say I’m only able to do 40 percent this year but then she has find 80% a different year unless you transfer which then has saved money. I believe this rule is no longer allowed as of 2024 because for some families finding the extra in the lean years is not possible and it’s used as a way to force players off a team
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     RE: SB, what happen to Sammi Huck and Lilly Whitten - *M* KC - 6/6 08:07:14
          RE: SB, what happen to Sammi Huck and Lilly Whitten - Eloise - 6/6 09:31:09
               RE: SB, what happen to Sammi Huck and Lilly Whitten - *M* KC - 6/6 14:34:19
                    RE: SB, what happen to Sammi Huck and Lilly Whitten - Eloise - 6/6 14:49:36
                         RE: SB, what happen to Sammi Huck and Lilly Whitten - DrDan MU - 6/6 15:26:35
                              Thank you for posting this - *M* KC - 6/6 15:32:28
                                   RE: Thank you for posting this - DrDan MU - 6/6 15:35:25
                         RE: SB, what happen to Sammi Huck and Lilly Whitten - *M* KC - 6/6 15:00:51
                              RE: SB, what happen to Sammi Huck and Lilly Whitten - Eloise - 6/6 15:19:42
                                   You've now been exposed - *M* KC - 6/6 15:37:39
                                        RE: You've now been exposed - Eloise - 6/6 16:40:27
                                             RE: You've now been exposed - *M* KC - 6/6 17:19:29
                                                  Hmm - Eloise - 6/6 19:27:33
                                                       RE: Hmmmmmm…. - DrDan MU - 6/6 21:07:31
                                                  RE: You've now been exposed - Eloise - 6/6 17:33:25
                                             RE: You've now been exposed - DrDan MU - 6/6 16:56:54
                                                  RE: You've now been exposed - BruceInLA MU - 6/6 22:36:46
                         RE: SB, what happen to Sammi Huck and Lilly Whitten - MIZISHOME MU - 6/6 14:56:39
                              think you are confusing scholarship and NIL. nm - fatrat MU - 6/6 16:10:25
               We’re going at this aaaaalllll wrong. - cybertyger MU - 6/6 10:09:23
                    RE: We’re going at this aaaaalllll wrong. - slamduncan KC - 6/6 10:12:02

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