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Nope. I support re-election based on the voting record

Posted on: January 10, 2023 at 10:28:30 CT
TrumpToRushmore MU
Member For:
3.87 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
of the person involved.

Instead of term limits I'd prefer the creation of a voting record scorecard where the final grade would appear next to the name of the person on the ballot.

If people want to re-elect someone like Lindsey Graham, they'd at least see an 'F' next to his name and understand he never delivers what he promises.

There are people who are more gifted to serve, we just have a terrible way of evaluating them right now.
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Do people support term limits? - tman MU - 1/10 10:14:24
     no, but there should be an upper age limit - tigerinhogtown STL - 1/10 10:40:59
          What should the limit be?(nm) - meatiger MU - 1/10 10:45:24
               Maybe something like four terms in the house, two in the - hokie VT - 1/10 11:37:01
     if the term limit is zero, sure (nm) - ashtray UF - 1/10 10:35:49
     meh - SwampTiger MU - 1/10 10:35:05
     They are called elections (nm) - mizzoumurfkc KC - 1/10 10:31:59
          So no(nm) - tman MU - 1/10 10:36:48
     I am mixed on this - meatiger MU - 1/10 10:31:41
     Yes, but politicians, dark money doesn't. - RHAYWORTH MU - 1/10 10:29:41
     Again, this congress will bring forth all sorts of excellent - TrumpToRushmore MU - 1/10 10:22:27
          Hahaha, this guy ^^^^^ gets it(nm) - Gyro STL - 1/10 10:24:23
          Do you support it(nm) - tman MU - 1/10 10:23:11
               Nope. I support re-election based on the voting record - TrumpToRushmore MU - 1/10 10:28:30
                    Thanks for an answer. In your scenario - tman MU - 1/10 10:31:55
                         If bills were simpler - meatiger MU - 1/10 10:33:41
     It's not the panacea that people think it is...but... - Gyro STL - 1/10 10:19:33
     most reps won't - Sal CMSU - 1/10 10:16:25
          or the military or social security (nm) - ashtray UF - 1/10 10:55:49
               defense budget cuts were part of the rules package - Sal CMSU - 1/10 11:16:43
                    only because they know it will never pass the Senate - ashtray UF - 1/10 11:24:00
                         I don't know why - Sal CMSU - 1/10 11:26:58
                              they only say they are on board with cutting it - ashtray UF - 1/10 11:33:02

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