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RE: That’s completely wrong. People were stoked after year 3.

Posted on: December 31, 2022 at 08:40:37 CT
Ragarm MU
Member For:
25.14 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Yeah, there was many that did and I was even one of them back on those days. It was a little softer because of the winning season, but it was there and got stronger after year 4 when we lost again.
The GP hire is where I learned my lesson that football doesn't just win over night like most fans think should happen.
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You morons wanted Pinkel gone after 3 years too - tjjefferson MU - 12/30 20:11:30
     You're comparing the stone age to the space age....nm - tigertix MU - 12/31 09:49:57
     That’s completely wrong. People were stoked after year 3. - alwaysright MU - 12/31 08:05:11
          he let year 4 turn into a shlt show trying to make BS a - tigertix MU - 12/31 09:54:49
          RE: That’s completely wrong. People were stoked after year 3. - Ragarm MU - 12/31 08:40:37
     It had to do w regression the 4th year - tigersailor MU - 12/31 07:57:38
          If only fans learned from that - Gavin Citrus MU - 12/31 08:50:42
               We get just the present, so wait & see is the fun(nm) - tigersailor MU - 12/31 10:07:19
     I did not. I argued for Pinkel in his down year - Guinny_Ire MU - 12/30 22:20:51
     RE: You morons wanted Pinkel gone after 3 years too - JangoFett MU - 12/30 21:29:38
     Try harder, zounami. - Gary P. MU - 12/30 20:49:45
     RE: You morons wanted Pinkel gone after 3 years too - DLS57 MU - 12/30 20:49:25
     go to bed drink(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 12/30 20:31:25
     How many times are you going to post this Mrs Drink? - El Zorro MU - 12/30 20:21:56
          another person who trashed pinkel early eat my ass - tjjefferson MU - 12/30 20:24:02
               Show me that post - you're making it up as you go - El Zorro MU - 12/31 02:58:02
     You sure are redassed this evening(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 12/30 20:12:41
          It's true, eat your crow little ***** nm - tjjefferson MU - 12/30 20:13:43
               Regarding what?(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 12/30 20:14:18
                    you hated pinkel after 3 years. - tjjefferson MU - 12/30 20:24:22

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