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you do realize those actually exist, right?

Posted on: December 2, 2022 at 12:51:07 CT
colonel angus beef KC
Member For:
12.01 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
there are actual gay people out there in the world?

why does does it bother you so much, is the real question
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Who would have guessed it? Disney added a lesbian - DHighlander NWMSU - 12/2 12:48:47
     When did they get into the adult film business(nm) - DevilsAdvocate KC - 12/2 13:41:40
     1. are they hot? - dangertim MU - 12/2 12:51:35
          3. Do they scissor? Eggs - fire up the machine.(nm) - Carlos Rossi KC - 12/2 12:57:56
     you do realize those actually exist, right? - colonel angus beef KC - 12/2 12:51:07
          Willow isn't the real world (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 12/3 07:50:18
          He's scared - SatoriTiger JC - 12/2 14:57:01
          Do they exist? Yes. According to Disney if you gather five - DHighlander NWMSU - 12/2 13:04:01
               And with the use of the word groom - cooter MU - 12/2 14:36:52
               They made 5 billion dollars last year - meatiger MU - 12/2 14:22:33
               Agenda? check. Grooming? check - TigerNuts KC - 12/2 13:11:16
                    pizzagate. duh (nm) - cooter MU - 12/2 14:37:28
                    adrenochrome (nm) - ashtray UF - 12/2 13:25:29
                    Are you denying that there is an agenda? - DHighlander NWMSU - 12/2 13:19:06
                         Do I think that Disney's agenda is to groom kids - kmawv8 MU - 12/2 13:38:58
                         So was there an agenda before - Cosmo MU - 12/2 13:21:26
                    PIZZAGATE TRIGGERED SNOWFLAKE LIBTARDS (nm) - Cosmo MU - 12/2 13:18:06
                    what's grooming? - phrejd MU - 12/2 13:13:53
                         ^^^^^ has a mane of pubic hair (nm) - Cosmo MU - 12/2 13:22:27
                              RE: ^^^^^ has a mane of pubic hair (nm) - phrejd MU - 12/2 13:32:08
                         when all the school teachers try to make kids gay. - dangertim MU - 12/2 13:17:14
                         simple, walt disney is trying to gay up your kid. - colonel angus beef KC - 12/2 13:15:55
                              he thinks being gay is a choice - ashtray UF - 12/2 13:27:04
                                   that's not retarded at all. i choose to be gay all the time(nm) - phrejd MU - 12/2 13:30:48
                                        maybe for the bend over part - ashtray UF - 12/2 13:32:53
                                             that's the best part (nm) - phrejd MU - 12/2 13:37:42
                                                  [he tries to assure himself](nm) - dangertim MU - 12/2 13:39:29
                                                       lol(nm) - cnk MU - 12/2 13:43:33
                                                            TB is just getting so woke. - kmawv8 MU - 12/2 13:48:16
                         turning kids into queers - TigerNuts KC - 12/2 13:14:41
               RE: Do they exist? Yes. According to Disney if you gather five - colonel angus beef KC - 12/2 13:11:02
          i still stand by my belief that there are no attractive - phrejd MU - 12/2 12:54:49
               If that helps you sleep at night...(nm) - DHighlander NWMSU - 12/2 13:04:31
               I know a chick exactly like this. She was tired of guys - Carlos Rossi KC - 12/2 13:01:05
                    Seems like we need a pic here - meatiger MU - 12/2 14:18:20
                    she sounds lovely. where might i find her and her - phrejd MU - 12/2 13:08:08
               Anne Heche was on fire(nm) - Mormad MU - 12/2 12:56:41
                    perfect example - phrejd MU - 12/2 13:00:40
     How much success have they had with a gay Buzz Lighyear?(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 12/2 12:50:30
          There is also the one they just released that is bombing. - DHighlander NWMSU - 12/2 13:08:36

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