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Typically the society as a whole determines this

Posted on: November 25, 2022 at 11:34:52 CT
raskolnikov MU
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24.45 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
A Pew Research Center survey conducted in September found that 60% of Americans say gun laws should be tougher, up from 57% last year and 52% in 2017.

Support for an assault weapons ban varied greatly along political lines, with 81% of Democrats, 55% of independents and 33% of Republicans in favor.
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     he's a useless dildo. File this under - dangertim MU - 11/25 12:21:04
          I need to get my hands on some of that multiple bullets - Sal CMSU - 11/25 13:08:22
     I don't know if they should all be banned but they - JG A - 11/25 12:20:03
          That is not a conservative viewpoint (nm) - Sal CMSU - 11/25 12:54:46
               Since I am one and you are not - JG A - 11/25 13:00:17
                    And yet I’m not the one calling for heavy gov’t regulation - Sal CMSU - 11/25 13:06:17
                         on semi automatic guns - JG A - 11/25 13:15:09
                              Yes you want heavy gov’t regulations on guns (nm) - Sal CMSU - 11/25 13:16:34
                                   why the attempt at lying Sal? - JG A - 11/25 13:19:13
                                        There is no lie in my comment - Sal CMSU - 11/25 13:20:27
                                             why the attempt at lying Sal? - JG A - 11/25 13:21:22
                                                  Where is the lie? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 11/25 13:22:52
                                                       evidently its not something that you can understand , Sal - JG A - 11/25 13:57:15
                                                            true or false - Sal CMSU - 11/25 13:58:49
                                                                 so you DO understand why you are trying to lie - JG A - 11/25 14:00:39
                                                                      answer the question (nm) - Sal CMSU - 11/25 14:05:24
                                                                           you answer the question posed to you first - JG A - 11/25 14:16:45
                                                                                So we both agree that semiautomatic guns are in fact still - Sal CMSU - 11/25 14:27:08
          ^^conservative(nm) - dangertim MU - 11/25 12:21:20
               yessir - JG A - 11/25 12:22:44
                    what other things should be banned (I'm sorry, - dangertim MU - 11/25 12:24:14
                         automatic weapons - JG A - 11/25 12:28:29
                              and who/what body should do this regulating? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 11/25 12:42:10
                                   not anyone like you who doesn't care about people - JG A - 11/25 12:44:04
                                        would you like to answer the f'ing question? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 11/25 15:59:18
                                        Is caring limiting the ability of people to defend - TigerMatt KC - 11/25 13:02:10
                                             No - JG A - 11/25 13:04:57
                              yes, control. Thanks(nm) - dangertim MU - 11/25 12:29:17
                                   Regulations come about because of dishonest people - JG A - 11/25 12:30:47
                                        Is that why you had trouble with a regulatory board?(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 11/25 12:35:22
                                             LOL - JG A - 11/25 12:37:56
                                                  No straw grasping. Only facts. Or do you wish to expand on - TigerMatt KC - 11/25 12:41:15
                                                       They serve their purpose - JG A - 11/25 12:43:29
                                                            I didn't mention your license. Guilty conscience?(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 11/25 12:47:10
                                                                 LOL - JG A - 11/25 12:48:34
     Did he feel the same when Hunter was purchasing his gun? - shorty MU - 11/25 12:14:43
     Is the way Germany handles it rational? Look at it. - Macgrantt MU - 11/25 11:37:05
          I am betting since gun crime is low they don't have issues - Tigrrrr! MU - 11/25 15:42:34
          If Gun Control is Passed in the States it will become - MU-TULSA MU - 11/25 11:53:24
          Quick perusal of that article - seemed reasonable, yes(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 11/25 11:50:10
          only if a democrat is president (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 11/25 11:38:13
               It's a categorical imperative friend(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 11/25 11:53:54
                    horsecock. and I'm not your friend (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 11/25 11:59:12
     I am not giving mine up to a tyrant nm - fatrat MU - 11/25 11:36:08
     The biden family has no redeeming social value. - RHAYWORTH MU - 11/25 11:32:06
     No. - Ace AU - 11/25 11:30:13
          utter nonsense and bull#hit (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 11/25 11:33:39
          There isn’t enough bullying in the world today (nm) - Sal CMSU - 11/25 11:31:30
               we need more armed bullies. And more armed bullied. - Ace AU - 11/25 11:32:35
                    let gvmt decide who to arm - unless your team isn't - 90Tiger STL - 11/25 11:34:06
                         are you saying there is a name list? Where can I see this? - Ace AU - 11/25 11:45:28
                              how would you envision the determination of bullies and - 90Tiger STL - 11/25 11:58:48
     For starters for sure. (nm) - raskolnikov MU - 11/25 11:18:01
          Give him an inch and he'll turn into Pol Pot(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 11/25 15:18:40
          Oh he should keep going beyond that? - Sal CMSU - 11/25 11:23:13
               A serious review and reform of legislation regarding - raskolnikov MU - 11/25 11:30:17
                    lol, that was uselessly vague. Oh, POTUS also doesn't - 90Tiger STL - 11/25 11:35:19
                    What does that even mean? Be specific (nm) - Sal CMSU - 11/25 11:31:04
                         Are big words troublesome (I'm sorry) hard for you - raskolnikov MU - 11/25 11:36:46
                              Who should be prevented from owning a gun? - Sal CMSU - 11/25 11:41:28
                                   How many questions you got there pal? - raskolnikov MU - 11/25 11:47:00
                              there isn't a discussion about this? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 11/25 11:39:37
                              LOL! Honest discussion? - Bulldog Bob Brown STL - 11/25 11:38:01
                         Ras can't because he bleats talking points like a sheep - RHAYWORTH MU - 11/25 11:35:17
          Anybody that advocates disarming the common person - ummmm MU - 11/25 11:21:12
               You fall into the same fckng trap again and again and again(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 11/25 11:31:09
                    what trap is that? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 11/25 11:35:39
                    What trap? And what's the result of me falling - ummmm MU - 11/25 11:33:32
                         DIPSHT - banning assault weapons is not disarming citizens - raskolnikov MU - 11/25 11:39:46
                              what's an assault weapon? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 11/25 12:05:33
                              Citizens do not have assault weapons.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 11/25 11:58:40
          Who determines "socially redeeming value", rask, the - 90Tiger STL - 11/25 11:19:29
               Typically the society as a whole determines this - raskolnikov MU - 11/25 11:34:52
                    So Pew Research Center decides? - ashtray UF - 11/25 12:56:05
                    Tyranny of the majority.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 11/25 11:38:28
                    "society as a whole"? lol (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 11/25 11:35:58
                         what's an assault weapon? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 11/25 11:36:09
          gfy (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 11/25 11:18:15

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