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I think the Dickey's part of Lynn Dickey's became a metaphor

Posted on: November 21, 2022 at 19:36:34 CT
Tigrrrr! MU
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22.62 yrs
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Of course that would have been at the height of Aids, so I'm sure folks were there for safe and sensible hookups.
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So…. Not a gay bar? - Spanky KU - 11/21 17:40:45
     Yes it was. Lots of people go to gay bars that aren’t gay(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 11/21 18:42:39
          Question is why??????...nm - tigertix MU - 11/21 18:59:46
               Hey baby, take a walk on the wild side. - Tigrrrr! MU - 11/21 19:58:52
               Straight women do it to get away from men like DOC.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 11/21 19:08:16
                    ^^^^Knows about gays bars but is homophobic. Go figure. - TexJohnson MU - 11/21 19:55:14
                         If you actually knew women, you'd know how they go to gay - TigerMatt KC - 11/21 20:11:34
                              It's called fag hags. Are you saying you're not gay now. LOL - TexJohnson MU - 11/21 20:16:18
                                   No. That isn't what fag hags are. It is women who want to - TigerMatt KC - 11/21 21:24:01
               Closets (nm) - JayRoy KC - 11/21 19:04:57
     They were there celebrating a friend's bday...he/she could - tigertix MU - 11/21 18:02:59
          At a gay bar? - Spanky KU - 11/21 18:05:53
               Homophobes are horrible people - mizzoumurfkc KC - 11/21 19:31:04
               My brother-in-law and friends went into Lynn Dickey's in - Tigrrrr! MU - 11/21 18:42:47
                    Are you sure that was Lynn Dickey's and not - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 11/21 18:52:21
                         I think the Dickey's part of Lynn Dickey's became a metaphor - Tigrrrr! MU - 11/21 19:36:34
               Question, a family member you love asked you to come - tigertix MU - 11/21 18:42:38
                    RE: Question, a family member you love asked you to come - sarasotatiger MU - 11/21 19:38:50
                    meatiger wears his best shoes for toe tapping in the stall(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 11/21 18:45:42
                         I am not a GOP Senator - meatiger MU - 11/21 18:47:13
                              But you take a wide stance right....nm - tigertix MU - 11/21 19:00:14
                                   BOAISY(nm) - meatiger MU - 11/21 19:11:46
               So you think only gay people go to gay bars? - meatiger MU - 11/21 18:15:38
                    That’s why it’s called a gay bar - Spanky KU - 11/21 18:25:35
                         Wow. You are dumb(nm) - meatiger MU - 11/21 18:26:46
                              ^Another homophobe who knows gay bars.You meet up with Matt? - TexJohnson MU - 11/21 19:59:02
                              Nope. My logic is solid - Spanky KU - 11/21 18:30:06
                                   Lol - Panthera MU - 11/21 18:56:56
                                   Straight people go to gay bars all the time - Sal CMSU - 11/21 18:42:03
                                        It's news for those who don't spend their time focused - MizzouTigerz MU - 11/21 19:39:13
                                             Wut?(nm) - meatiger MU - 11/21 19:52:01
                                             I didn’t call anybody a homophobe (nm) - Sal CMSU - 11/21 19:47:40
                                             they also buttfck - ashtray UF - 11/21 19:40:51
                                                  And catch the monkeypox(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 11/21 19:57:16
                                        So it was just a bar that gays and straights frequented(nm) - Spanky KU - 11/21 18:44:43
                                             I don’t know what to tell you - Sal CMSU - 11/21 18:53:30
                                                  So… a bar - Spanky KU - 11/21 18:59:27
                                                       No.. a gay bar.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 11/21 19:01:35
                                                       I don’t know but I imagine the owners make that - Sal CMSU - 11/21 19:00:51
                                                            Like a straight bar? Or a white bar? Or a Black bar? - Spanky KU - 11/21 19:27:36
                                                                 I’m not sure why you’re wanting to die on this hill - Sal CMSU - 11/21 19:34:08
                                                                      If people go to a sports bar and aren't interested in sports - TigerMatt KC - 11/21 20:13:51
                                                                           It’s a bar(nm) - Spanky KU - 11/21 20:42:35
                                                                                lol(nm) - meatiger MU - 11/21 21:49:33
                                                                                No. ,(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 11/21 21:28:19
                                                                                     If it has gays in it, is it a gay sports bar? - Spanky KU - 11/21 21:48:39
                                             you should go there and find out (nm) - ashtray UF - 11/21 18:45:33
                                                  *grabs beer, doesn’t automatically get assrammed, - Sal CMSU - 11/21 18:58:55
                                                       *Scans room for big D. (nm) - Newcatbirdseat MU - 11/21 19:07:55
                                        *Spanky clutches his pearls* - ashtray UF - 11/21 18:42:57
                                   If an atheist walks in to a Christian church, can we say the - TigerMatt KC - 11/21 18:34:53
     Oh dear 🤦‍♂️(nm) - mizzoumurfkc KC - 11/21 17:59:35
     Could be … it said they were there with a group - Sal CMSU - 11/21 17:44:35
          so straight men are bad this week? nm - fatrat MU - 11/21 17:54:19
               straight men are bad every week. Straight white men are - Tigrrrr! MU - 11/21 19:39:58

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