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RE: I made my $

Posted on: October 10, 2022 at 18:02:52 CT
Member For:
17.19 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Nope...have no need to gamble to make $$$ owning land, natural resources and hard work do me just fine.

But with that said glad the gamble paid off for you.
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     good - Ferg MU - 10/10 17:25:42
          Unprovoked. LMAO.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 17:28:34
               Now give us the provocation. You won't of course and - GA Tiger MU - 10/10 18:49:28
                    Apparently, Putin didn't like having his puppet - Ferg MU - 10/10 18:52:46
                         The list of reasons is long dummy.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 18:53:35
                              So give ONE of them you useless buffoon.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 10/10 18:55:28
                                   The main reason is Putin wants to reconstitute the Soviet - Ferg MU - 10/10 19:08:17
                                        LMAO.. the propaganda you eat up.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 19:09:59
                                   Here is one.. - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 18:57:55
                                        I'm not spending money to read your gibberish.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 10/10 19:42:21
               So, according to your Russian propaganda sites - Ferg MU - 10/10 17:30:04
                    The US led a coup in 2014 to over throw a democratically - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 17:33:40
                         "..led a coup"? Give some details of how we led a "coup". - GA Tiger MU - 10/10 18:53:07
                              "you won't, of course" - dangertim MU - 10/10 19:07:18
                              Oops - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 18:55:01
                                   Another pile of feces. The real coup was when - GA Tiger MU - 10/10 19:32:11
                         Yes, according to your Russian propaganda sites that is - Ferg MU - 10/10 17:42:30
                              Russian propaganda site - El-ahrairah BAMA - 10/10 18:39:24
                                   opps (nm) - Sal CMSU - 10/10 19:09:17
                                   funny how he's ignoring these links(nm) - dangertim MU - 10/10 19:04:34
                              The "Putin Puppet" maintained peace with Russia - Sal CMSU - 10/10 18:24:56
                                   yes you would think that supporting a dictator - Ferg MU - 10/10 18:34:14
                                        How's that going right now for - Sal CMSU - 10/10 18:53:48
                                             It's not going well - Ferg MU - 10/10 19:11:04
                                                  That isn't what I asked (nm) - Sal CMSU - 10/10 19:13:13
                              Why do you hate democracy?(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 18:20:28
                                   why do you love Putin? - Ferg MU - 10/10 18:24:18
                                        Ukraine was investigated on being pro-Trump in 2020. Dems - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 18:44:26
                                             lol they're the good guys! (nm) - Sal CMSU - 10/10 18:54:15
                                        RE: why do you love Putin? - THEGROVE68 MU - 10/10 18:29:24
                                             Dominion voting machines(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 10/10 18:38:19
                                                  bamboo ballots - Ferg MU - 10/10 18:43:30
                                             he won 75% to 25%, so it was - Ferg MU - 10/10 18:32:39
                                                  Well, Putin won by a bigger landslide(nm) - dangertim MU - 10/10 19:05:29
                                                  Ooops - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 18:51:01
                                                  RE: he won 75% to 25%, so it was - THEGROVE68 MU - 10/10 18:45:11
                                        You're the same guy who tried to claim - Sal CMSU - 10/10 18:25:29
                                             lol. You still can't get the story straight even though - Ferg MU - 10/10 18:35:09
                                                  We all know what you tried claiming - Sal CMSU - 10/10 18:53:07
                              correction: democratically-elected Putin puppet removed from - dangertim MU - 10/10 18:07:44
                              RE: Yes, according to your Russian propaganda sites that is - THEGROVE68 MU - 10/10 17:59:34
                         The pathetic thing, this complete derp think he's smart. - TexJohnson MU - 10/10 17:37:42
                              While that may or may not be true he - GODZILLA MU - 10/10 17:48:06
                              Ukraine restricting water to civilians? - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 17:43:23
                                   Where do you even find these sources? Nowadays, people - TexJohnson MU - 10/10 17:47:06
                                        this has to be a troll(nm) - dangertim MU - 10/10 18:10:53
                                        FT is a major news source dummy.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 17:52:35
                                             None of my sources advertise"become a global citizen" - TexJohnson MU - 10/10 17:54:23
                              but he's right(nm) - dangertim MU - 10/10 17:38:47
                                   he's right according to the Russian sites he reads. - Ferg MU - 10/10 17:43:35
                                        No, the facts back up his claims (nm) - Sal CMSU - 10/10 18:26:10
                                        here's some Russian propaganda sites to remind you that - dangertim MU - 10/10 18:05:34
                                        The Guardian is Russian propaganda? - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 17:47:08
     Will you excuse him for hurting Russia's war effort, Ivan? - TexJohnson MU - 10/10 17:15:41
          Not surprised you hero worship the Nazi faggot. - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 17:21:21
               Nice projection dumbest. How does it feel being a Nazi? - TexJohnson MU - 10/10 17:24:01
                    You are one dumb motherfvcker.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 17:26:24
                         Great reasoned, articulate, measured, mature response. - TexJohnson MU - 10/10 17:30:34
                              I can't help you are a dumbfvck. I posted a link describing - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 17:31:56
                                   LOL at your melt down. Calm down. - TexJohnson MU - 10/10 17:40:19
                                        RE: LOL at your melt down. Calm down. - THEGROVE68 MU - 10/10 18:01:04
                                        No you didn't(nm) - Calca STL - 10/10 17:40:48
          Why would I excuse a Nazi? Looks like you are - mu4ever DUKE - 10/10 17:17:16
               Your idea of a Nazi is wrong as are most of your ideations - TexJohnson MU - 10/10 17:21:48
                    No rapist worshipper. Ukraine literally brought Nazis into - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 17:25:58
                         I can't imagine how difficult life is being this dumb. - TexJohnson MU - 10/10 17:28:56
                              Hush up you hypocritical b1tch - Calca STL - 10/10 17:35:30
                                   There it is, loved how your DH zounami got voted off - TexJohnson MU - 10/10 17:42:16
                                        Damn you've added Panthera to the pile too? Up to 6 - Calca STL - 10/10 17:51:00
                              Read the Stanford link you ignorant fool.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 10/10 17:30:08
               Nazi? Looks like you are: Tex is a Nazi sympathizer. I am - BH O'bonga MU - 10/10 17:20:36
                    RE: Nazi? Looks like you are: Tex is a Nazi sympathizer. I am - THEGROVE68 MU - 10/10 17:30:04
                         I made my $ - TexJohnson MU - 10/10 17:36:00
                              RE: I made my $ - THEGROVE68 MU - 10/10 18:02:52
                    Wrong on all counts and you know it, fascist. - TexJohnson MU - 10/10 17:26:05
                         RE: Wrong on all counts and you know it, fascist. - BH O'bonga MU - 10/10 20:55:37

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