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No, actual crime. Not made up memes. nm.

Posted on: October 4, 2022 at 17:08:21 CT
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Why democrats don't talk about crime... - MUTGR OU - 10/4 15:51:49
          Also, that poll shows how much of a losing issue Abortion is - zounami MU - 10/4 17:35:50
               Uh oh, 3 of the 5 handles are here, where's wildcat - Calca STL - 10/4 17:43:12
                    RE: Uh oh, 3 of the 5 handles are here, where's wildcat - MIZ45 MU - 10/4 18:54:38
     Crime? Like stealing top secret files, insurrections, threat - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 16:49:20
          No, actual crime. Not made up memes. nm. - MUTGR OU - 10/4 17:08:21
               Where I live, the US of A, those are crimes. Maybe in RUSSIA - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 17:10:19
                    No they are not. This is why the bombshell - GODZILLA MU - 10/4 17:12:31
                         Man just got sentenced to 7 yrs for attacking a Capitol cop - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 17:14:27
                              As he should have. - GODZILLA MU - 10/4 17:16:53
                                   ???So you admit there was crime.You just said there wasn't - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 17:19:01
                                        No you are just too stupid to follow the - GODZILLA MU - 10/4 17:21:46
                                             Funny 6/10 Americans think he should be charged for 1/6 - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 17:24:34
                                                  The poll surveyed 545 adults. You are the real - GODZILLA MU - 10/4 17:25:52
                                                       Americans were shocked by 1/6. Face it or deny it. IDC. - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 17:28:56
                                                            Why cant the commitee come up with - GODZILLA MU - 10/4 17:30:06
                                                                 Have you been watching? Did you have the sound on? - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 17:32:19
                                                                      I do not think they will come up with - GODZILLA MU - 10/4 17:36:58
                                                                           So you're saying you've watched it all. If so,and if that's - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 17:39:37
                                                                                By all means go ahead and post the - GODZILLA MU - 10/4 17:40:32
                                                                                     Please hurry though, all this switching between our handles - Calca STL - 10/4 17:49:45
               LOL - GODZILLA MU - 10/4 17:09:53
                    That's inaccurate but that's par for the course with you. - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 17:12:01
                         You finally - GODZILLA MU - 10/4 17:13:25
                              Why don't you pick 1 DH and stick with it? - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 17:16:54
                                   You should switch back to derphoax - GODZILLA MU - 10/4 17:18:18
                                        I'm jhoax because we both use derp. I'm doc Tigrrr thinks - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 17:21:53
                                             And you will. And you will continue to be wrong - GODZILLA MU - 10/4 17:23:00
                                                  I think he's up to about 5 handles accusing all of us - Calca STL - 10/4 17:30:31
                                                       Easy, multiple personalities. You all are history searching - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 17:35:18
                                                            Why are so concerned someone is searching - GODZILLA MU - 10/4 17:39:41
                                                                 LOL, search away derp.Take hours. Read all 2500 posts - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 17:41:23
                                                                      I got it. If you were to search something here that - GODZILLA MU - 10/4 17:42:52
                                                                           It started when he accused people of homophobia - Calca STL - 10/4 17:46:31
                                                                                I RESPOND to people who are homophobic in kind. - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 17:51:06
                                                                                     lol here you go derp - Calca STL - 10/4 17:54:38
                                                                                          He had attacked bfore as did emoji who is, well you know who - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 19:51:15
                                                                                               lol sure he did, just admit, I once again exposed you - Calca STL - 10/4 20:19:40
                                                                           HUH? - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 17:45:45
                                                                                LOL another sux fail - GODZILLA MU - 10/4 17:47:42
                                                                                     Try again, - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 17:49:44
                                                            Ah, so when you accuse people it's okay, when godzilla does - Calca STL - 10/4 17:37:14
     The other issue they have is that the vast majority - Outsider MU - 10/4 16:02:47
     lol polls (nm) - pickle MU - 10/4 15:57:36
     much of their guaranteed base are the ones committing - Th8tnTiger MU - 10/4 15:56:16
          This can be interpreted as being racist. You're not racist - TexJohnson MU - 10/4 17:04:22
     JG just posted a crime post right before yours (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/4 15:55:11
          Who? nm. - MUTGR OU - 10/4 16:00:30
          JG is not - JG A - 10/4 15:56:51
               you seem more like a bernie sanders "independent" - Th8tnTiger MU - 10/4 15:59:17
                    name something specific - JG A - 10/4 16:02:57
                         You're not liberal - MIZ45 MU - 10/4 17:35:53

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