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and again, your Yahoo! article made zero claim that there

Posted on: September 14, 2022 at 19:44:13 CT
90Tiger STL
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22.35 yrs
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was any wrongdoing by trump or mcmahon, as I pointed out.

It's an association piece, JG, and the type of garbage "journalism" Yahoo! has been feeding you for years.
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Never axe Trump about his bidness - JG MU - 9/14 19:27:29
     Has Hunter paid a dime of child support? You - Outsider MU - 9/14 20:13:04
          Did he leave his wife and 5 kids for a Fox bimbo?They are - Macgrantt MU - 9/14 21:15:28
     RE: Never axe Trump about his bidness - MOCO SON MU - 9/14 19:45:40
     hey Yahoo: - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 19:30:39
          Lol oops(nm) - Th8tnTiger MU - 9/14 19:35:07
               IKR, damn he is stupid - JG MU - 9/14 19:38:04
          I realize you are stupid and reflexley weakly attack me - JG MU - 9/14 19:34:45
               RE: I realize you are stupid and reflexley weakly attack me - scan MU - 9/14 19:46:27
                    so you are saying there really is no difference between - JG MU - 9/14 19:53:42
                         Most here other than your dishonest a## have been saying - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 19:57:56
                              LOL I realize you are stupid and reflexely weakly attack me - JG MU - 9/14 20:03:17
                                   I didn't attack you, I "attacked" your article, then you ins - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:05:06
                                        I guess I wasn't supposed to take it personally - JG MU - 9/14 20:06:37
                                             where is the personal attack on you in my first response? - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:10:22
                                                  RE: where is the personal attack on you in my first response? - JG MU - 9/14 20:13:12
                                                       You consider that a personal attack and simultaneously think - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:13:46
                                                            I guess I missed the other person you were attacking, - JG MU - 9/14 20:15:25
                                                                 PS - calling me "chump", is this soothing or rewarding to yo - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:17:47
                                                                      yup - JG MU - 9/14 20:21:36
                                                                 there's no attack there, JG, not to a rational human being (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:17:10
                                                                      I guess I misread the way you agreed withand supported what - JG MU - 9/14 20:21:07
                                                                           JG, try to remember this or write it down for later. Disagre - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:25:44
                                                                                Its not easy to remember all the different definitions - JG MU - 9/14 20:27:56
                                                                                     this wasn't about the definition of a single word, but sure, - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:33:59
                                                                                          glad I could help you out - JG MU - 9/14 20:34:48
               No Idiot, The NWO Aint About Corruption, It's About Global - Catturd USMC - 9/14 19:38:24
                    Don't forget depopulating most of us. nm. - MUTGR MU - 9/14 20:36:54
               poor oversight is the hallmark of all government; a conserva - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 19:36:31
                    LOL - JG MU - 9/14 19:38:27
                         HuffPost 2008 - Obama may shut down corrupt SBA - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 19:52:31
                         look, the SBA was corrupt long before Trump! - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 19:50:48
                              OK so in your tiny feeble mind - JG MU - 9/14 19:54:44
                                   Straw Man Argument - I never said any such thing. I said - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 19:57:20
                                        so you are totally cool with corruption - JG MU - 9/14 20:01:34
                                             and you use words like "hypocritical" randomly in threads, l - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:06:29
                                                  Riddle me this pygmy hypo - JG MU - 9/14 20:09:58
                                                       I've never agreed with pickle on immigration and borders, - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:11:20
                                                            all you had to do was say yes - JG MU - 9/14 20:12:27
                                                                 to refresh your memory - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:14:59
                                                                      LOL so you agree with my many previous statements - JG MU - 9/14 20:17:40
                                                                           I didn't attack you on any position on the border, you blith - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:19:07
                                                                 another lie (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:14:01
                                                                      actually - JG MU - 9/14 20:23:28
                                                                           not at all. I don't want the border open until and unless th - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:26:20
                                                                                so exactly like Pickle - JG MU - 9/14 20:29:06
                                                                                     no, pickle wants the border open irrespective of any - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:36:04
                                                                                          you want open border with no government assistance - JG MU - 9/14 20:39:13
                                                                                               yes, it is (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:50:58
                                             another straw man argument, the last resort of the - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:05:55
                                                  if you are cool with corruption by both wings - JG MU - 9/14 20:11:25
                                                       doubling down on the straw man (which is in fact a LIE - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:13:14
                                                            Yet you have had ample opportunity to condemn - JG MU - 9/14 20:14:51
                                                                 I also didn't state I condemn rape, am I now pro-rape? - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:16:50
                                                                      probably. - JG MU - 9/14 20:22:08
                                                                           unreal (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:27:17
                                                                                Noted that you avoided answering - JG MU - 9/14 20:29:26
                                                                                     yes, I did. I am not compelled by you to satisfy your - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 20:36:48
                                                                                          don't blame you - JG MU - 9/14 20:39:47
                                                                                               but here you are, accusing me of holding it because - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 21:14:07
                         stunning retort, JG, powerful rhetoric. do you pull a strin - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 19:39:34
                              LOL keep flailing and weakly attacking - JG MU - 9/14 19:41:13
                                   another compelling position, JG, keep pulling your string (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 19:41:53
               Yes and the errors don't appear to have anything to - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 19:36:01
                    criminal assisting criminals, how droll - JG MU - 9/14 19:39:01
                         they were run by the SBA, a long-standing agency, JG (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 19:40:02
                              RE: they were run by the SBA, a long-standing agency, JG (nm) - JG MU - 9/14 19:42:27
                                   and again, your Yahoo! article made zero claim that there - 90Tiger STL - 9/14 19:44:13

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