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Yo Sux

Posted on: September 12, 2022 at 21:53:13 CT
Wildcat KSU
Member For:
25.39 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Emoji was trying to do you a favor by renaming you SuxJohnson. It was an attempt to deflect your terrible idea of naming yourself after a rapist (Hello!!). Nobody hates actually hates homos around here except maybe Hokie and RayKinsella, so it's a safe place for you going by Sux. It's funny to laugh at you and your stupid cartoonish "ideas" wrapped in emotion you carry on about all the time, but in the end, you're an immature weirdo who gets outclassed every time you try to "argue". And you use the term "derp" and think you're insulting anyone but yourself, which is also hilarious. Your latest attempt to build your Sux character with your gotdam weird brand of "christianity" while accusing other people of being hypocritical (while being a massive hypocrite yourself) is almost too much. Consider re-simplifying your persona here so we can remain entertained.
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Who knew? - MizzouTigerz MU - 9/12 20:38:52
     The way you present your religiosity, you turn people off - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 20:46:37
          Derp (nm) - TigerMatt KC - 9/12 20:55:54
               Are you talking to the gerbil in your pocket? - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 21:16:11
                    Derp - TigerMatt KC - 9/12 21:18:00
                         Wildcat/or calca as he's also called, is a derp.Good call. - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 21:22:07
                              Yo Sux - Wildcat KSU - 9/12 21:53:13
                              RE: Wildcat/or calca as he's also called, is a derp.Good call. - TigerMatt KC - 9/12 21:26:31
                                   So you're another homophobe=latent homo, figures and - TexJohnson MU - 9/12 21:32:11
     wrong board (nm) - pickle MU - 9/12 20:39:31

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