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A bit of good news, if its accurate, which

Posted on: September 11, 2022 at 06:43:28 CT
GA Tiger MU
Member For:
25.42 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
will cheer up anyone except bhobongo and the clueless gang who worship poot.

Putin is gradually living his nightmare which is:

Ukraine has not surrendered, is in the midst of a very successful counteroffensive, taking back cities, villages, territory not only in the south, but also in other parts of the country. In short he is losing.
His military is a complete mess. the higher accuracy HIMAR systems have all but negated any advantages he had in personnel and equipment. He has lost 80,000 casualties so far and counting fast.
NATO has actually expanded! Repeat that one, his biggest nightmare according to him and totally unacceptable was NATO expansion and now Finland and Sweden have all but joined.
His people are being progressively banned around the world, ordinary Russians can go nowhere.
His only ‘friends’ are his future owners, China which owns him as he will be buying everything from them and they will control him.
Europe is rapidly de Russianizing their energy needs, his future markets are all but gone and all that is left is India which will drop him in a nano second and Iran? I mean Iran and they have oil like him so they don’t need him.
I could go on, isolated, pariah state, despised by the vast majority of the world with few real friends. He can sit in his Dacha until someone one day comes to get him.
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A bit of good news, if its accurate, which - GA Tiger MU - 9/11 06:43:28
     RE: A bit of good news, if its accurate, which - sarasotatiger MU - 9/11 08:26:36
     The media has told us this for months now - El-ahrairah BAMA - 9/11 07:59:34
          That’s one bitter reporter going after another. Liars(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 9/11 09:29:10
               I have no clue if Ritter is bitter - Sal CMSU - 9/11 09:47:53
                    And he was correct on wmds in iraq - El-ahrairah BAMA - 9/11 09:49:37
          This sh*t is echoed on this board regularly - Sal CMSU - 9/11 09:09:45
          damn (nm) - pickle MU - 9/11 08:13:37
     what’s the good news? (nm) - pickle MU - 9/11 07:53:03

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