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RE: 70,000 people march against Nato in Prague

Posted on: September 5, 2022 at 08:42:58 CT
BH O'bonga MU
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4.62 yrs
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An idiotic poster below says these protesters are all Russians bots. People in Western and Central Europe will be more than happy to suffer without heat or food for the glory of Ukraine and the very last Ukrainian. Slava Ukraini!
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70,000 people march against Nato in Prague - El-ahrairah BAMA - 9/5 08:37:54
     RE: 70,000 people march against Nato in Prague - BH O'bonga MU - 9/5 08:42:58
          No one cares what a Russian propagandist has to say, fascist - TexJohnson MU - 9/5 09:32:42
               RE: No one cares what a Russian propagandist has to say, fascist - BH O'bonga MU - 9/5 10:07:52
                    Why others don't call you out for what you are is beyond me. - TexJohnson MU - 9/5 10:30:57
                         RE: Why others: Simple, because you're an idiot. You can't - BH O'bonga MU - 9/5 10:39:54
     Far right and far left marchers - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/5 08:39:15
          We should listen to the far right and far left here - El-ahrairah BAMA - 9/5 08:42:06
               Anyone else done terrible? - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/5 08:44:38
                    U mean Trump? - El-ahrairah BAMA - 9/5 08:52:31
                         Thank you - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/5 09:05:36
                              learn to pay attention - pickle MU - 9/5 09:08:34
                                   If i wanted your opinion - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/5 09:10:27
                                        that wasn’t opinion, dummy (nm) - pickle MU - 9/5 09:11:20
                    Derp (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 9/5 08:51:31
                    lol, oh no(nm) - dangertim MU - 9/5 08:48:17
                         Oh yes - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/5 09:06:00
                              goddamn you are ****ing dumb (nm) - pickle MU - 9/5 09:08:03
                                   Coming from you - JayHoaxH8r MU - 9/5 09:11:12
                                        ahhh...lefty tigrrrrr! has arrived(nm) - dangertim MU - 9/5 10:24:43

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