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I agree with your first sentence. Prosecute them all.

Posted on: August 25, 2022 at 21:51:34 CT
OntheMark MU
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17.87 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
If Trump is guilty of a crime, then prosecute him. But let's treat everyone the same. You have to admit that there appears to be a two-tiered justice system.

Just compare the way the justice department has gone after Trump compared to the way they handled Hilary's case. She broke at least half a dozen federal statutes by having that private server. Then she intentionally deleted 30,000+ emails when she was under federal subponeana to preserve them. Yet Comey had the nerve to get up there and say no reasonable prosecutor would have brought charges. Any reasonable prosecutor would have made sure she never drew another free breath.
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     what Top Secret files? - Spanky KU - 8/25 20:09:54
     What did he do to you to hate him so much? - tcat KC - 8/25 19:49:44
          I assume that's some homo-erotic fantasy of yours - TexJohnson MU - 8/25 19:53:41
               so you hate fags too? - tcat KC - 8/25 20:00:41
                    Being homophobic is a latent homo thing. Own it. - TexJohnson MU - 8/25 20:04:25
     A derp stares back at you from the mirror.....nm - tigertix MU - 8/25 19:32:35
          So you agree Trump would sell Top Secrets to make money. - TexJohnson MU - 8/25 19:37:30
               Biden and Hilary would - Hilary did with Obama's assistance - OntheMark MU - 8/25 19:57:33
                    Then prosecute them all. She did it, so why can't he? So - TexJohnson MU - 8/25 20:06:11
                         I agree with your first sentence. Prosecute them all. - OntheMark MU - 8/25 21:51:34
               How could anyone even doubt the grifter? - JG A - 8/25 19:45:29

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