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RE: In the Wyoming election, the two counties

Posted on: August 19, 2022 at 18:37:40 CT
scan MU
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20.98 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
I love it when an elitist claims that anyone who disagrees with them is stupid. It's an excellent way to convince people to come around to your way of thinking.
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     Why are you so obsessed with Liz Cheneys loss? - Calca STL - 8/19 21:55:32
     Thank God you are here to teach everyone* - OntheMark MU - 8/19 21:09:24
     You're retarded and we don't hold it against you.... - Logan BAMA - 8/19 20:14:11
     Would you also agree that inner city residents - pinkman MU - 8/19 20:06:30
     Pretty much a typical liberal response - Nohawks KC - 8/19 20:00:26
          You remain a terrible judge of people. - GA Tiger MU - 8/19 20:19:30
               I never said he was a liberal - Nohawks KC - 8/19 20:32:32
               RE: You remain a terrible judge of people. - scan MU - 8/19 20:28:20
               Ummm…(nm) - tigerNkc KC - 8/19 20:24:31
     How elitist of you(nm) - tigerNkc KC - 8/19 19:46:09
     RE: In the Wyoming election, the two counties - BH O'bonga MU - 8/19 19:30:25
          RE: In the Wyoming election, the two counties - *M* KC - 8/19 19:35:06
               Sounds like the 2 major cities in Wyoming have been invaded - Tigrrrr! MU - 8/19 20:14:33
     You're a rotten, filthy, stinking communist.... - jonesin - 8/19 19:28:55
          Don’t be silly. - *M* KC - 8/19 19:32:22
               You are an indoctrinated Bastard that believes in "communes" - jonesin - 8/19 19:37:01
                    RE: You are an indoctrinated Bastard that believes in "communes" - *M* KC - 8/19 19:38:23
                         Mutherfvcker....I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - jonesin - 8/19 19:41:31
     RE: In the Wyoming election, the two counties - patriot MU - 8/19 18:55:25
          Is being tangential an indication that you're smart? - TexJohnson MU - 8/19 18:59:12
               Yer a dumbfvck. And I'd LOVE to debate you anyrime. - jonesin - 8/19 19:31:27
     Educated does not mean smart(nm) - Spanky KU - 8/19 18:46:38
          RE: Educated does not mean smart(nm) - *M* KC - 8/19 19:03:34
               What counties did Cheney win? The map I saw showed her - Spanky KU - 8/19 20:53:12
          So you're saying you're not educated? Why not? - TexJohnson MU - 8/19 18:52:19
               Nope. I am saying educated does not mean smart - Spanky KU - 8/19 20:35:09
               Pull that out of your ass, D O C?(nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 8/19 19:17:54
                    Do I even write like Doc? He's a troll, I'm not.Ask others. - TexJohnson MU - 8/19 19:22:07
                         So which double handle are you? - Tigrrrr! MU - 8/19 19:24:05
                              I see his style now for God's sake. It's apparent we're - TexJohnson MU - 8/19 19:28:24
               RE: So you're saying you're not educated? Why not? - scan MU - 8/19 18:56:33
                    Why would a person deride and chose to not be educated? - TexJohnson MU - 8/19 19:00:49
                         RE: Why would a person deride and chose to not be educated? - scan MU - 8/19 19:02:54
                              Doesn't it make it sound like you're dumb if you're educated - TexJohnson MU - 8/19 19:09:27
                                   RE: Doesn't it make it sound like you're dumb if you're educated - scan MU - 8/19 19:15:29
                                        That's true, as usual you bring some civilized logic here. - TexJohnson MU - 8/19 19:20:18
     Stupid is thinking credit hours make you "smart" - 615Tiger STL - 8/19 18:37:55
          RE: Stupid is thinking credit hours make you - *M* KC - 8/19 19:21:36
          Do you think books should be burned because they're useless? - TexJohnson MU - 8/19 18:53:44
               You're so awful at this game - Wildcat KSU - 8/19 19:02:00
                    Do you realize that being “good at this game” - *M* KC - 8/19 22:07:44
                         It's funny you would say that - Wildcat KSU - 8/19 22:22:47
                    He really is (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 8/19 19:18:42
                    I think you write like,you know? Are you another of his DHs. - TexJohnson MU - 8/19 19:05:15
                         You haven't debated anything - Wildcat KSU - 8/19 19:07:16
                              You're a latent homo just like your alter ego. Enjoy. - TexJohnson MU - 8/19 19:12:05
                                   RE: You're a latent homo just like your alter ego. Enjoy. - Calca STL - 8/19 21:54:36
                                   You're not even out of school - Wildcat KSU - 8/19 19:14:09
                                        My how you echo calca that somehow you show up to support - TexJohnson MU - 8/19 19:17:51
                                             Another bookmarket on SuxJohnson - Wildcat KSU - 8/19 21:11:49
                                             Aren't you afraid you are going to catch the monkeypox in - Tigrrrr! MU - 8/19 19:20:28
                                                  That your fantasy?It's a bizarre comment It reflects dumb - TexJohnson MU - 8/19 19:25:28
                                                       You lack the education to spell words correctly - Wildcat KSU - 8/19 21:12:56
                                                       Sure thing, rapist (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 8/19 19:26:50
                                                            He gave monkeypox to his dog(nm) - Calca STL - 8/19 21:52:46
     RE: In the Wyoming election, the two counties - scan MU - 8/19 18:37:40
          RE: In the Wyoming election, the two counties - *M* KC - 8/19 19:30:06
               RE: In the Wyoming election, the two counties - scan MU - 8/19 19:56:26
          This sounds like pickle's m.o. - Tigrrrr! MU - 8/19 19:22:10
     Do you have a doctorate? - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/19 18:33:28
          Actually, i do(nm) - *M* KC - 8/19 18:37:50
               Doctorate degrees are easier than undergrad (nm) - tigerNkc KC - 8/19 19:48:16
               In what? advanced stupidity? - RHAYWORTH MU - 8/19 18:55:44
               Then you should begin to use the skills you learned to - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/19 18:41:48
                    RE: Then you should begin to use the skills you learned to - *M* KC - 8/19 19:05:32
                         All the more. - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/19 19:08:08
                    Are you saying you aren't evil, a sinner in need of grace? - TexJohnson MU - 8/19 18:49:43
                         I'm not a Republican, and never voted for Trump because - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/19 19:04:04
                              Here's Sux again, hypocritting all the way home - Wildcat KSU - 8/19 19:10:18
               RE: Actually, i do(nm) - scan MU - 8/19 18:41:31
                    Not trying to impress - *M* KC - 8/19 19:02:11
                         RE: Not trying to impress - scan MU - 8/19 19:05:43
                              Absolutely not. People who arent MDs - *M* KC - 8/19 19:07:41
               In what?(nm) - tman MU - 8/19 18:41:04
                    RE: In what?(nm) - *M* KC - 8/19 19:02:34
                         So you are a lawyer. Congrats(nm) - tman MU - 8/19 19:08:49
                              Thank you. It’s a lot of fun.(nm) - *M* KC - 8/19 19:20:08
                                   I know personally(nm) - tman MU - 8/19 20:26:12
     Or maybe two counties reflect the liberalism of a - Tigrrrr! MU - 8/19 18:33:10

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