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You're not really old enough

Posted on: August 18, 2022 at 17:15:33 CT
Wildcat KSU
Member For:
24.71 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
to hang out around here. This is for people too old to use the term Derp as anything other than a joke about people who say Derp. Your self defense is at middle school level.

"You're searching histories is regarded here as pathetic.Go interact with your family."

Boy you sure got em there!! All emotion, and didn't mean anything.
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     This weaponized and corrupt DOJ is just a hoot (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 8/18 17:17:54
     Why didn't you post this to all the Chaney gloaters? - TexJohnson MU - 8/18 16:51:57
          Why didn't you? - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/18 19:26:16
          RE: Why didn't you post this to all the Chaney gloaters? - Calca STL - 8/18 16:56:48
               I retaliate in kind do homophobic derps. I don't start it. - TexJohnson MU - 8/18 17:07:30
                    Shh, just stop - Calca STL - 8/18 17:16:12
                    You're not really old enough - Wildcat KSU - 8/18 17:15:33
                         This post really shows his age - Calca STL - 8/18 17:19:21
                              You have wildcat defend you, enough said. Get Rhayworth - TexJohnson MU - 8/18 17:43:22
                                   You have school tomorrow kid - Calca STL - 8/18 17:45:19
                                        Your grandiose "I speak for all" it's pathetic. Who the hell - TexJohnson MU - 8/18 17:56:00
                                             Once again - Wildcat KSU - 8/18 21:47:57
                                             RE: Your grandiose "I speak for all" it's pathetic. Who the hell - Calca STL - 8/18 17:59:41
     why do you hate him? - fatrat MU - 8/18 16:21:11
          Did you miss the quotes? - MizzouTigerz MU - 8/18 19:43:57
     "finally get what he deserves" - Sal CMSU - 8/18 16:04:23
          I don't really think don would appreciate "an individual."(nm) - Toger STL - 8/18 17:18:41

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