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91% of Americans greatly admire the FBI & DOJ

Posted on: August 8, 2022 at 18:29:48 CT
Floyd Turbo 99
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22.53 yrs
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chump, they are the pro's and make no mistakes don't cha know. I am really kicking ass tonight. Thanks for coming.
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FBI executes search warrant on Trump - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 8/8 18:20:43
     So, they've bugged his office and now raided his home. - Reagan STL - 8/8 18:48:37
          I can imagine the cheers of the GOP(nm) - TigerJackSwartz MU - 8/8 19:04:35
     Garland and Wray are doing their best - Sal CMSU - 8/8 18:27:11
          Garland is a POS. - Reagan STL - 8/8 18:31:54
               Man he took that Supreme Court slapdown hard nm - pinkman MU - 8/8 18:35:03
          Aww Sal's upset... - Gyro STL - 8/8 18:31:53
               Do you plan to start adulthood when you hit 40 or are you - Reagan STL - 8/8 18:33:40
                    All of you Trumpers are little kids... - Gyro STL - 8/8 18:35:27
                         So, an attorney advocates for disenfranchising indivs. - Reagan STL - 8/8 18:38:54
                              No, I'm asking for the rule of law to be enforced... - Gyro STL - 8/8 18:40:21
                                   "Shouldn't be allowed to vote." How is that enforcing - Reagan STL - 8/8 18:43:43
                                        That's what I'd like to see... - Gyro STL - 8/8 18:47:23
                         Yet you seem to be the one throwing a tantrum. (nm) - Logan BAMA - 8/8 18:38:11
          Garland is the greatest AG ever. FACT JACK............ - Floyd Turbo 99 - 8/8 18:31:08
     needs to be a head shot - Ferg MU - 8/8 18:26:50
          How's that? He already lost an election... - Gyro STL - 8/8 18:33:23
               my point is - Ferg MU - 8/8 18:42:57
                    The standard for a search warrant is probable cause... - Gyro STL - 8/8 18:45:46
          yep (nm) - Sal CMSU - 8/8 18:27:21
     HAHAHAHA! Should have gone in like they did at Waco - Floyd Turbo 99 - 8/8 18:25:24
          RE: HAHAHAHA! Should have gone in like they did at Waco - scan MU - 8/8 18:26:48
               91% of Americans greatly admire the FBI & DOJ - Floyd Turbo 99 - 8/8 18:29:48
                    RE: 91% of Americans greatly admire the FBI & DOJ - patriot MU - 8/8 18:32:55
     RE: FBI executes search warrant on Trump - patriot MU - 8/8 18:25:03
          It's only going to make him more popular... - Logan BAMA - 8/8 18:26:41
               RE: It's only going to make him more popular... - patriot MU - 8/8 18:35:47
               30% vs. 70%, but yeah, OH NOOOOOOOOOOOO(nm) - Gyro STL - 8/8 18:34:11
                    I smell your fear. (nm) - Logan BAMA - 8/8 18:35:09
     FIb needs to be disbanded. (nm) - Logan BAMA - 8/8 18:25:02
     The goods? Its about purging him from politics. He is so - FentonMizzou MU - 8/8 18:24:43

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