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Biden tests positive for COVID. We are still in pandemic.

Posted on: July 30, 2022 at 14:04:41 CT
Ace AU
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Biden tests positive for COVID. We are still in pandemic. - Ace AU - 7/30 14:04:41
     Maybe one more boo$ter would have done it. nm. - MUTGR MU - 7/30 18:11:29
     Get those ballots in the mail! - BigDave MU - 7/30 15:04:07
          Especially since they are pushing that the monkeypox - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/30 16:42:03
     False positives happen...look at Biden (false POTUS). (nm) - Logan BAMA - 7/30 15:01:01
     Hahaha! They are so embarrassed by this clown... - Outsider MU - 7/30 14:50:08
     No, they just need to hide biden in basement again - RHAYWORTH MU - 7/30 14:44:40
     Biden has done nothing to stop COVID - Spanky KU - 7/30 14:32:35
          He promised he would. He lies and JG is a - Outsider MU - 7/30 14:48:21
               He'll blame it on those who didn't get jabbed - Nohawks KC - 7/30 14:59:06
     Biden is a God—-how can he get Covid? - mu7176grad MU - 7/30 14:31:02
     If you get vaccinated, you won’t get COVID - TIGERROAR MU - 7/30 14:15:06
     Trolling unto death...literally.(nm) - TrumpToRushmore MU - 7/30 14:13:44
     Wait until you get monkeypox in your bunghole. - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/30 14:11:52
     Try and make me punk...........nm - tigertix MU - 7/30 14:08:01
     Biden is a Typhoid Mary.(nm) - TigerMatt KC - 7/30 14:07:40

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