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Why do you old farts use homophobic stuff for put downs?

Posted on: July 16, 2022 at 13:07:22 CT
TexJohnson MU
Member For:
5.30 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Homophobics are latent homosexuals, so they taught me in Psych, maybe in your scientology world, you're not latent.I thought Tigermatt said you were taking a 2 week pause.
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     At least they only cried like girls. Whereas your team - MIZ45 MU - 7/16 13:31:13
          WTH is that?(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 7/16 15:45:40
          so your reply was so weak you felt compelled to lie about me - JG A - 7/16 13:59:42
               More JG lies™ (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 7/16 14:04:25
                    Yes I do nAIL IT - JG A - 7/16 14:11:11
                         Love the sarcasm - MIZ45 MU - 7/16 16:46:53
     Thank God we have Joe and Kamala - mu7176grad MU - 7/16 12:37:32
          Do you think God likes you calling Harris a whore? - TexJohnson MU - 7/16 12:40:38
               A whore is a whore. Jesus would tell her to leave her life - TigerFan92 STL - 7/16 15:46:30
               She is a whore. (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/16 13:56:54
                    And God would not be pleased with her whoring ways (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 7/16 13:57:39
               Yes(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 7/16 12:56:16
                    Hey, you'e the Scientolgy dude who believes in spaceships - TexJohnson MU - 7/16 13:00:02
                         Yes but I also believe you're a huge - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 7/16 13:01:14
                              Why do you old farts use homophobic stuff for put downs? - TexJohnson MU - 7/16 13:07:22
                                   I don't know who you're calling old you pussy - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 7/16 13:09:09
                                        Calling you a latent homosexual, Curb stomp, what r u 80? - TexJohnson MU - 7/16 13:19:22
               Don't look now but so are you abortion worshiping - tigertix MU - 7/16 12:47:03
                    I'm pro-life, you presumptuous over sterotyping idiot derp - TexJohnson MU - 7/16 12:48:57
                         and who should now be lectured about righteousness...nm - tigertix MU - 7/16 12:51:16
                         If so, good..........nm - tigertix MU - 7/16 12:50:37
               Willie Brown sure seem to like it. - RHAYWORTH MU - 7/16 12:45:40
          Why do derps try to discount with stupid straw men? - TexJohnson MU - 7/16 12:29:06
               Just the derps, eh? - MIZ45 MU - 7/16 13:33:35
               RE: Why do derps try to discount with stupid straw men? - MOCO SON MU - 7/16 12:40:32
                    Why do derps try to discount with stupid straw men? - TexJohnson MU - 7/16 12:43:04
                         RE: Why do derps try to discount with stupid straw men? - MOCO SON MU - 7/16 12:43:55
                              You started it dude - TexJohnson MU - 7/16 12:46:47
                                   RE: You started it dude - MOCO SON MU - 7/16 12:47:45

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