hate speech. IDK if you can still use it when referring to straight people, or if it is just LGBTQ pedophiles that are protected? Is referring to Ricky Martin as a groomer hate speech, since he was boning his young nephew? Reddit is 95% Liberal ****s....
We won't be reproducing the full list published by the PCM operators here (it is full of slurs for no reason other than to openly publish slurs), but the most important parts of those lists, for our purposes, are these:
-No portraying LGBT people as a whole as “groomers” or “pedophiles”
-No portraying being transgender as a mental illness
-No genocide denial (Gay Genocide????)
-referring to being trans as a "mental illness"
-suicide statistics/"40%"
-equating LGBT with pedophilia
"Groomer" to refer to LGBT