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They are saying Trump nearly toppled the constituational

Posted on: July 12, 2022 at 14:47:14 CT
4TigersinMichigan MU
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21.76 yrs
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order. But they are yet to show an evidence of how that almost happened.

Did Trump ask a bunch of what ifs? Yes. Did Trump fail to listen to those who told him he had lost? Yes. Did he speak about wanting to overturn the election? Yes.

But when I was 12 I was sure I was going to be an NFL quarterback. I was told it would not happen. I felt it would That does not mean it nearly happened.

This committee is making itself look even more foolish than most congressional committees already look.
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They are saying Trump nearly toppled the constituational - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/12 14:47:14
     Yet, you’re worried. 🤷‍♂️ - Ace AU - 7/12 15:22:10
          Oh, yes - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/12 15:24:48
               You keep posting about it. Don’t live in Fear. - Ace AU - 7/12 15:32:07
     Actually he didn't *nearly* topple it. - *M* KC - 7/12 15:18:54
          The committee is making the claim - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/12 15:25:24
               Well they're wrong. The President of the United States - *M* KC - 7/12 15:39:44
                    Asking your VP not to do it is fomenting nothing - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/12 16:12:28
     Yeah that never came close to happening (nm) - Sal CMSU - 7/12 15:04:10
     LOL" LALALALALA I can't hear you" - JG MU - 7/12 15:00:31
     Your glasses are most definitely orange colored. Nm - SparkyStalcup MU - 7/12 14:48:46
          Then explain how he almost toppled the constitutional - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/12 14:49:23
               What would convince you? - DC Jayhawk KU - 7/12 15:57:39
                    Evidence he put something in place to topple the - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/12 16:14:05
               He had a organized campaign to spread false election fraud - TexJohnson MU - 7/12 14:57:43
                    Don't forget he was going to rape AOC and hang Pence(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 7/12 15:04:44
                         Another stupid response. Some of you just can't communicate - TexJohnson MU - 7/12 15:11:04
                              Look dude you are an idiot. There is no sense in trying to - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 7/12 15:14:45
                                   You profess to be a Christian Mr. Atlas Shrugged? - TexJohnson MU - 7/12 15:20:52
                                        No I'm a scientologist(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 7/12 15:22:21
                                   Yep(nm) - redngray MU - 7/12 15:15:51
                    He asked and wanted people to do things - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/12 15:00:25
                    “He knew was armed” - redngray MU - 7/12 14:58:41
                         Watch the hearings. You'd know.This was explained. Google it - TexJohnson MU - 7/12 15:04:02
                    RE: He had a organized campaign to spread false election fraud - MOCO SON MU - 7/12 14:58:08
               By organizing a riot to stop the electoral votes from being - SparkyStalcup MU - 7/12 14:54:19
                    How did it almost happen? - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/12 14:58:49
                    A RIOT!!! Lol - redngray MU - 7/12 14:57:49
                         This is a really really stupid response.People died. - TexJohnson MU - 7/12 14:59:12
                              RE: This is a really really stpid response.People died. - MOCO SON MU - 7/12 15:00:22
                              Yes Ashli Babbitt was shot - redngray MU - 7/12 15:00:15
                                   RE: Yes Ashli Babbitt was shot - MOCO SON MU - 7/12 15:01:33
                         RE: A RIOT!!! Lol - MOCO SON MU - 7/12 14:58:52
                    RE: By organizing a riot to stop the electoral votes from being - MOCO SON MU - 7/12 14:57:10

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