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Hilary was caught red handed. Comey chose not to prosecute

Posted on: July 11, 2022 at 12:14:36 CT
Reagan STL
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4.64 yrs
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The Biden family has profited from Joe's public service. I'd like to see an investigation into that. Whether the Rs want to go down this road when, no doubt, some of them have played this game, is another story.

What should trouble voters more than anything, is that a number of prominent intelligence figures tried to discredit the laptop, when they probably knew that it was authentic. AND, a liberal press that tried to squelch the story.
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Hunter- the gift that keeps on giving... - tigerNkc KC - 7/11 11:12:04
     SuxJohnson is gonna love that photo. - Emoji Man OU - 7/11 11:49:56
          Why are you old guys attempted put downs usually homophobic? - TexJohnson MU - 7/11 12:02:26
               Emoji knows how much you love gun control. - RHAYWORTH MU - 7/11 12:29:51
               that wasn't homophobic (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 7/11 12:11:18
               Folks….. There you have it. We have an admission from - Emoji Man OU - 7/11 12:04:11
                    You're kinda a sicko, correction, not kinda,own your gayness - TexJohnson MU - 7/11 12:07:07
                         LOL @ Sux - Emoji Man OU - 7/11 12:09:26
     Family Of Degenerate Weirdos - Catturd USMC - 7/11 11:38:31
          And those who so went after the Trump children - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 7/11 11:47:39
               Same press who ignored Obama's drug dealing, gang member - RHAYWORTH MU - 7/11 12:31:21
               Oh come on, there's just dozens of videos of - dangertim MU - 7/11 11:58:24
               You mean the ones who were actually working at the WH? - Mormad MU - 7/11 11:51:10
                    Who was responsible for Hunter getting these jobs/ - Reagan STL - 7/11 11:58:41
                         Investigate it then - Mormad MU - 7/11 12:01:51
                              Hilary was caught red handed. Comey chose not to prosecute - Reagan STL - 7/11 12:14:36
                                   You gave the answer to the second paragraph in the first - kmawv8 MU - 7/11 12:37:33
     How did Senile Joe get more hair as he got older?(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 7/11 11:34:18
          Stem cells from aborted babies(nm) - El-ahrairah BAMA - 7/11 11:58:09
          Joe-Gaine(nm) - Mormad MU - 7/11 11:54:56
          Note to self: Start sniffing women/girl hair(nm) - dangertim MU - 7/11 11:49:54
     ok (nm) - pickle MU - 7/11 11:18:28
     note to self - cnk ATL - 7/11 11:17:47
          that’s going to put a damper in your OF (nm) - pickle MU - 7/11 11:19:07
               well, those are tastefully done(nm) - cnk ATL - 7/11 11:19:28
                    I don't understand how it hurts your outfield - Mormad MU - 7/11 11:22:57
     I wonder if Doocy will ask jean pierre about it(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 7/11 11:16:11
     I take back what I said below. I didn't hear that their were - dangertim MU - 7/11 11:14:52
          Makes Billy Carter seem tame(nm) - Mormad MU - 7/11 11:17:02

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