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LOL he has a very deraigned thought process *

Posted on: May 13, 2022 at 13:13:17 CT
Moball2play SWT
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Cuonzo Martin, age 50 - FIJItiger MU - 5/13 12:40:44
     I don't care what he does. He's just gone that's all that - thytiger MU - 5/13 13:31:19
     Martin strikes me as the type who will be happy to take - jlbomega MU - 5/13 13:21:19
          HBCU (nm) - Moball2play SWT - 5/13 14:23:42
               Yes. Nm - quicksand MU - 5/13 20:19:13
     weird, didnt see his name on the list you linked.... - Moball2play SWT - 5/13 13:02:49
          That is my prediction, my submission to the topic (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 5/13 14:35:04
          yes, you don't need Matlock to figure out that's what he - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/13 13:03:48
               his same old sorry song & dance - Moball2play SWT - 5/13 13:05:49
                    I agree with your overall assessment of him - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/13 13:13:57
                         I dont think so - he may never coach P6 again - Moball2play SWT - 5/13 13:20:20
                              amassing millions and retiring at 50 isn't "quitting"(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/13 13:21:30
                                   What i should have said is...I dont see him going out - Moball2play SWT - 5/13 13:32:53
                                        I can see that - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/13 13:36:15
                                             very true - he certainly has some MU money LOL - Moball2play SWT - 5/13 13:42:09
                                                  possibly, but even then you have NIL **** to deal with - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 5/13 13:44:21
                                                       Working with youth seems to be his calling (nm) - Moball2play SWT - 5/13 14:18:07
     Fiji... - XRob MU - 5/13 12:45:27
          LOL he has a very deraigned thought process * - Moball2play SWT - 5/13 13:13:17
     as in forced..........nm - tigertix MU - 5/13 12:42:14

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