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Talk to your own party, they are the ones who don’t

Posted on: April 23, 2022 at 08:36:19 CT
Outsider MU
Member For:
18.29 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Take this seriously

“no-one is safe till all are safe.”

And how many more illegal dypshyts without masks and vaxed were allowed in yesterday Ace, I’m sure you’re keeping track.

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But, of course - Ace AU - 4/23 08:31:41
     Yes, it was depressing. We should have done herd immunity - tigerNkc KC - 4/23 10:15:43
     Whatever you say DOC (nm) - Fourth and Long MU - 4/23 09:53:36
     RE: But, of course - MOCO SON MU - 4/23 09:29:16
     Unlike you, I don't rely on marginal actors and comedians to - BH O'bonga MU - 4/23 09:29:06
     You linking European opinions - Calca STL - 4/23 09:26:12
     And freedom and stuff(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 4/23 09:05:49
     Masks don’t protect the uninfected - Spanky KU - 4/23 08:58:28
          Neither of those statements are true - raskolnikov MU - 4/23 09:04:35
               They are true. - Spanky KU - 4/23 09:19:20
                    Your own posts contradict your point. - raskolnikov MU - 4/23 09:35:55
                         You badly English read - Spanky KU - 4/23 09:45:29
                              Uh no. Spin all you want - raskolnikov MU - 4/23 09:54:17
                                   He didn't claim asymptomatic was uninfected - Calca STL - 4/23 10:10:55
                                        RE: He didn't claim asymptomatic was uninfected - raskolnikov MU - 4/23 10:26:25
                                             Masks don’t protect the uninfected (“useless”) - Spanky KU - 4/23 10:51:01
                                                  I already slapped down that post once, you need me to do it - raskolnikov MU - 4/23 11:02:54
                                                       Nope. You failed - Spanky KU - 4/23 11:09:46
                                             Asymptomatic don’t spread - Spanky KU - 4/23 10:48:47
                                                  Ha ha ha ha NFL v Scientist from the WHO(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 4/23 11:03:59
                                                       WHO said the same thing - Spanky KU - 4/23 17:37:16
                                        Rask doesn’t goodly English read(nm) - Spanky KU - 4/23 10:22:35
     You never answered - Tigrrrr! MU - 4/23 08:45:12
          RE: You never answered - Tigrrrr! MU - 4/23 08:46:16
               RE: You never answered - Tigrrrr! MU - 4/23 08:47:02
                    RE: You never answered - Tigrrrr! MU - 4/23 08:48:03
     Talk to your own party, they are the ones who don’t - Outsider MU - 4/23 08:36:19

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