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are you cads excited about not having to wear masks at the

Posted on: April 19, 2022 at 15:21:37 CT
Ace AU
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5.02 yrs
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Just remember, take off your shoes, remove your belt, take off your jackets, take your electronics out of your bags, throw out any fluids, step through the body scanner, and then get dressed again to run to your gate. That stuff isn't going away.
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are you cads excited about not having to wear masks at the - Ace AU - 4/19 15:21:37
     Last time I wore a mask was basic training - mu7176grad MU - 4/19 18:35:32
     Do you get asked to remove your dot? (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 4/19 18:11:57
     Yeah, all relics of 9/11 hysteria. - ummmm MU - 4/19 16:56:42
     That stuff went away with TSA Pre-check.(nm) - AllThingsKC KC - 4/19 16:00:06
     I have TSA pre-check. Don’t you?(nm) - Spanky KU - 4/19 15:55:27
          I just fly my own plane (nm) - Tigrrrr! MU - 4/19 16:40:10
               I fly charter the few times a year I do travel - Razor MU - 4/19 17:33:29
          Many should lose their privileges - meatiger MU - 4/19 16:04:36
     Yeah, and doing all that shyt with a mask on is - Outsider MU - 4/19 15:47:49
     Seatbelts - Rabbit Test MU - 4/19 15:43:04
          What about drunk driving laws, drug laws, laws against - JeffB MU - 4/19 18:37:02
          whelp......you have officially returned.... - Experts on TV MU - 4/19 17:36:13
          *Mandates* for seatbelts - ummmm MU - 4/19 16:55:36
          that's yer intelligence level doosher(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 4/19 15:56:41
          Many states dont mandate helmets(nm) - meatiger MU - 4/19 15:55:14
               Understand - Rabbit Test MU - 4/19 15:57:15
                    liar(nm) - meatiger MU - 4/19 16:03:40
          yes, those are dumb mandates, too (nm) - ashtray UF - 4/19 15:53:19
               How about - Rabbit Test MU - 4/19 16:08:58
          lol dumb(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 4/19 15:49:52
          You're really comparing masks to these things? - Eggs MU - 4/19 15:43:58
               Metal Detectors are - Rabbit Test MU - 4/19 16:10:27
                    They can be. But, also, metal detectors - ummmm MU - 4/19 17:04:57
          you should start with false equivalences - FootballRefugee MU - 4/19 15:43:56
               lol (nm) - Sal CMSU - 4/19 15:55:30
     ok (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 4/19 15:38:42
     if you're trying to make a point that all that other stuff - blake1771 MU - 4/19 15:30:06
          You think the airlines should share their passenger lists - meatiger MU - 4/19 15:34:47
               should? idk. but they do. - blake1771 MU - 4/19 15:39:32
               Air marshalls are a huge waste of money as well(nm) - meatiger MU - 4/19 15:35:16
                    So are air traffic controllers - Rabbit Test MU - 4/19 16:12:26
                         another blatantly false statement - FootballRefugee MU - 4/19 16:28:25
                    yep. and my friend would agree with you. however i'd rather - blake1771 MU - 4/19 15:39:52
                         4.5 billion passengers fly each year. - Rabbit Test MU - 4/19 15:45:13
     I have clear and precheck - meatiger MU - 4/19 15:28:46
          Correct, haven't done that for years - mizzouSECedes STL - 4/19 16:09:48
          Flight - Rabbit Test MU - 4/19 15:59:45
          hell yeah (nm) - Sal CMSU - 4/19 15:36:33
     Very excited... - Logan BAMA - 4/19 15:25:44
     I don't have to do that. Well fluids I guess(nm) - tman MU - 4/19 15:22:58

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