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As you know, I was very critical of the hire... I wanted a

Posted on: April 1, 2022 at 18:40:52 CT
zounami MU
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10.15 yrs
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more "proven" candidate, at least someone with a mid-major track record.

Gates did fairly well at a lower level, but so did Kim Anderson. The experience (and "success") is largely irrelevant to the level of competition in the SEC, as we learned the hard way with Kim.

That doesn't mean Gates can't succeed here. He certainly *can*... but for the money we're spending (or capable of spending) we shouldn't have to roll the dice on a virtual "unknown". That was my main objection to the hire.

Anyway, I meant what I said after the rumors became official – that I intend to keep an open mind about Gates, and will support him until/unless it becomes clear that he's in over his head (and hopefully that day never comes).

Edited by zounami at 18:43:10 on 04/01/22
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     Depends who you talk to here. - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/1 18:24:21
          As you know, I was very critical of the hire... I wanted a - zounami MU - 4/1 18:40:52
               I had him on the same tier as the other mid major - wu-tangtiger MU - 4/1 18:44:52
                    I hope you're right. BTW, here's the post I was referring to - zounami MU - 4/1 18:51:09
     If we can get Pinson to come back and add a couple more guys - CoolBreeze22 MU - 4/1 17:39:25
          is a Pinson return realistic?... seems like he would prefer - zounami MU - 4/1 18:13:50

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