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Gates not already at least having one single coach

Posted on: March 31, 2022 at 12:49:31 CT
Beez90 MU
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9.61 yrs
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On staff is odd. With recruiting going big and the amount of holes to fill he needs to be assembling a qualified staff not some lame duck. One thing I looked at was Musslemans coaching staff. He has 3 coaches on staff who have either been head coaches in the NBA or assistants in the NBA. Keith Smart has been a head coach in the NBA and also has a National title while at Indiana. Pretty much most of his staff has NBA experience whether playing or coaching. What kid wouldn’t want to play in a system that prepares you for the next step. Some don’t think coaches nowadays play too much into the equation that it is about NIL. The goal of a college player is to play at the next level and what better sell than a coach who has done it. Same was always said about Kentucky and Calipari. Kentucky fans say Cal has started to get lazy and that nobody could put recruit them. Now Ark has as has Bama. Just don’t think Bama has the coach to sustain it. We shall see.
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Gates not already at least having one single coach - Beez90 MU - 3/31 12:49:31
     He’s seeing a financial planner to invest his loot - tigersailor MU - 3/31 14:58:07
     I hope I'm wrong and time will tell over the next few weeks - Missiurifarmboy - 3/31 14:07:01
          Most of the other new coaches brought coaches - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/31 14:49:22
               White at Georgia brought Erik Pastrana and Akeem Miskdeen - Missiurifarmboy - 3/31 16:10:35
                    We’re any of those assistants waiting to see - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/31 16:17:01
                         Don't think I would want to use Cuonzo as guide on - Missiurifarmboy - 3/31 17:52:35
                              Seriously, don't pull the race card with me - Missiurifarmboy - 3/31 20:07:09
                                   I’m not trying to use his first week on the job - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/31 20:17:19
                              They aren’t that similar as coaches. - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/31 18:44:27
     or trying to find a coach bringing a recruit with him(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 3/31 13:30:14
     We might get LeBron's high school coach's son (nm) - zoomer 99 - 3/31 12:59:04
          RE: We might not(nm) - Panthera MU - 3/31 13:16:22
          Nm - Tburger MU - 3/31 13:09:34
               He was an asst under Gates at CSU - zoomer 99 - 3/31 14:08:25
     That doesn't matter - he is energetic and exciting - alstl MU - 3/31 12:59:00
          Sterk was in retirement mode...BO and CM are below... - BandG MU - 3/31 13:42:52
               Sterk didn’t hire BO (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/31 22:09:05
          The idea is he is a decent coach and has a greater than - FIJItiger MU - 3/31 13:04:00
               It dawned on me when I listened to Choi at the press - alstl MU - 3/31 13:11:29
                    I think the overwhelming perception is that Gates is not - FIJItiger MU - 3/31 13:19:31
                         Choi seems to be a great president and chancellor but he - alstl MU - 3/31 22:03:44
                              True; he is no Bowtie-grr(nm) - tigersailor MU - 4/1 14:35:11
                         And we will see how that plays out - Wibb MU - 3/31 15:41:22
                         It's obvious that alstl has no idea about Gates other than - Lt. J. Dangle MU - 3/31 13:54:12
                         isn't that exactly what KA was? (nm) - TigerA MU - 3/31 13:20:38
                              Old people / MU fans who still thought we played at Hearnes - FIJItiger MU - 3/31 13:24:14
                                   When did we leave Brewer? Now THAT was exciting!(nm) - tigersailor MU - 3/31 14:14:41
                                        RE: When did we leave Brewer? Now THAT was exciting!(nm) - FIJItiger MU - 3/31 14:26:49
                                             I remember the weight room in Rothwell was cleared out so - tigersailor MU - 3/31 14:55:47
                                   haha, good points(nm) - TigerA MU - 3/31 13:24:54
                              Nm - Tburger MU - 3/31 13:22:17
                                   people thought MA was 40 min of Hell pt 2 - TigerA MU - 3/31 13:22:55
                                        Nm - Tburger MU - 3/31 13:25:02
                    that's fine as long as he hires the right people that do - TigerA MU - 3/31 13:12:59
     A recruiting dead period starts tomorrow - wu-tangtiger MU - 3/31 12:58:29
          RE: A recruiting dead period starts tomorrow - MOKE MU - 3/31 22:13:12

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