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Open letter to Tucker Carlson

Posted on: March 27, 2022 at 09:14:22 CT
raskolnikov MU
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24.04 yrs
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Found this in my feed, thought it might prove of interest. Stop those pinkos in their tracks, right?

Dear Tucker Carlson,
Hey Tuck, I just finished watching a segment of your show. You know, the one where you suggest that there should be a camera in every classroom in order to root out… let me get this accurate…”civilization ending poison.”
I’m going to zig where you thought most teachers would zag. I welcome your Orwellian cameras in my classroom. Frankly, I don’t know many teachers who would object to having people watch what we do. As a matter of fact, I hate to tell you this Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson, but most of us spent the last year having video cameras in our classrooms.
See, I think you believe that your suggestion that people see what happens in our classrooms will somehow scare teachers. The truth of it is that we have been begging for years to have people, such as yourself, come into our classrooms.

I sense that you think you’ll see all of us pinko teachers speaking endlessly about Critical Race Theory leading to and again, let me get this right, “civilization ending poison.”
I’ve been in a lot of classrooms (more than you I am willing to bet) and think you’re going to be disappointed on that front. What happens in America’s classrooms is teaching and learning.
Your “spy cameras” will see teachers and students working together to be better every day. I’ll tell you what I saw on a tour of classrooms not that long ago.
I saw a group of kindergartners trying to create bridges over running water with basic classroom supplies in a lesson about collaboration. I saw a high school literature class talking about the character development in The Glass Menagerie. I saw a middle school history class participating in group project where they had to solve problems in a fictional city, with specifics of how they would utilize resources and build public support for their projects.
Anyone watching your cameras will see learning…
all day every day. For those who watch your “nanny cams” carefully, they’ll see a lot of other things as well. They will see teachers working with students who have vastly different life experiences.
They will see students who are fluent in multiple languages working with teachers to become proficient in yet one more language. They will see students who are hungry get their one solid meal a day in the cafeteria. They will see students itching for more fine arts, industrial technology, or world languages to be offered in their school.

To be honest, I’m fascinated by the logistics of your proposal. In a world where school districts are struggling to recruit and maintain teachers, who is going to man your “citizen review boards” (setting aside the fact that public school teachers already answer to publicly elected school boards)?
For instance, in my school district I sense you would need well over 500 cameras going every day. Who watches those 500 screens 10 hours a day (I want you watching my 7 am jazz band and my after school lessons)?
What qualifications would these “experts” need to know what they were watching for? What happens when they catch a teacher teaching… let me get this right… ”civilization ending poison?” Who do they report that to? I’m also curious who will pay for all of this incredible technology.
Maybe I missed it, but can you point me to a K-12 institution where Critical Race Theory is being taught? Hell, can you define Critical Race Theory for all of us? I’m sure you’ve got answers to all of these questions.
Frankly, I’ve never been able to figure out, instead of dreaming up Orwellian plans to have Big Brother in all of our classrooms, why you don’t round up an army of bright young conservatives to actually step up and teach?
Is it because teachers work hard, aren’t paid as much as those with similar educational backgrounds, don’t have support from our elected officials, constantly serve as punching bags for those who don’t understand public education, or is it just because it’s easier to throw rocks at a house than to build one?
Here’s the real deal Tuck, I grew up with my mom making me eat your family’s Salisbury Steaks once every couple of weeks (his family makes Swanson TV dinners) for many years. I struggle to take advice on teaching and learning from a guy who makes a steak that, on its best day, tastes like shoe leather that has been left out in a goat pasture for a few weeks.
I get that Critical Race Theory is your latest attempt to scare your easily manipulated demographic, but let’s just admit that you don’t know what you’re talking about.
With all of that being said, count me on the cameras Tucky. Like many teachers, I’m in the early stages of understanding Critical Race Theory (most of us hadn’t heard about it until you and your people started crying about it), but if you find me teaching it, have one of the Tucker Youth watching your surveillance devices let me know.
If Critical Race Theory involves talking honestly about American history, I’m probably doing that sometimes. I spent much of the last six years advocating for a way for teaching to become more transparent, and in the dumbest way possible, you are joining that crusade. Let’s make this happen TV Dinner Boy.
Patrick J. Kearney
Actual Teacher
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Open letter to Tucker Carlson - raskolnikov MU - 3/27 09:14:22
     Tucker getting b1tch slapped - JayHoaxH8r MU - 3/27 13:07:52
          In what Universe does a preposterous letter from a teacher - BH O'bonga MU - 3/27 14:44:21
     Will only comment on the CRT bit. The right is - GA Tiger MU - 3/27 10:07:14
          You think there is nos systemic racism in government - meatiger MU - 3/27 10:14:53
               How would you know...since you can't even define it.(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 3/27 16:21:41
     From the guy that refuses to admit that psychological - MizzouTigerz MU - 3/27 09:44:15
          That YOU think poor bedraggled teachers take part in some - raskolnikov MU - 3/27 09:55:06
               YOU weren't part of the conversation I had with an Education - MizzouTigerz MU - 3/27 12:15:39
                    You didn't - JayHoaxH8r MU - 3/27 13:18:17
                         I most certainly did. - MizzouTigerz MU - 3/28 14:28:30
               Tour heroes want to sit on their dead lazy arses at home and - tigertix MU - 3/27 09:58:46
                    Did you have ED before covid - JayHoaxH8r MU - 3/27 13:16:07
                    ?????????(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 3/27 10:04:09
     Is it Orwellian to have cameras on - Sal CMSU - 3/27 09:34:05
          As evidence from preceding few years shows cops need - raskolnikov MU - 3/27 09:39:20
               Teaching kids not to hate YT is public safety....nm - tigertix MU - 3/27 09:59:55
                    Easier fix. Don't let them read your posts - JayHoaxH8r MU - 3/27 13:08:20
                    What is "YT"?(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 3/27 10:09:13
     An open letter to Rask: - Emoji Man OU - 3/27 09:29:16
          Oh are you going to drag out your two man poll again(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 3/27 09:39:55
          I like your letters better. (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/27 09:34:19
     He sounds like a real ass hole. Lots of Snark, lots of - hokie VT - 3/27 09:28:29
     What a clown. - GODZILLA MU - 3/27 09:22:50
          You still don't get that CRT is taught in rare law school - raskolnikov MU - 3/27 09:41:45
               That Kool Aid must be good. (nm) - Outsider MU - 3/27 10:41:51
          I don't know that this teacher has anything to be ashamed of - BH O'bonga MU - 3/27 09:26:37
               Prove it. Prove that "many others "feed kids woke BS" - raskolnikov MU - 3/27 09:48:29
                    These stories are in the news every single day. Normals have - BH O'bonga MU - 3/27 11:05:17
                         Really - your claim is that there stories "in the news" on - raskolnikov MU - 3/27 11:34:32
                              RE: Really - your claim is that there stories "in the news" on - BH O'bonga MU - 3/27 12:01:10
                                   you're projecting (nm) - ashtray UF - 3/27 15:16:21
                    Most people choose to live in the present and move - Outsider MU - 3/27 10:27:29
                         Specifics boy. You claim I live in the past ??? ha ha ha - raskolnikov MU - 3/27 11:37:38
     Not interested in Rask's "feed" garbage, thanks. nm. - MUTGR MU - 3/27 09:18:49
     Didn't read it but it's funny how libs are so - Newcatbirdseat MU - 3/27 09:18:00
          IF you read it, the TEACHER said he welcomes your eyes - raskolnikov MU - 3/27 09:37:07
               mighty tough talk from a retired band director. (nm) - noodle MU - 3/27 09:40:29
                    As opposed to a TV talking head(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 3/27 09:58:33
          And yet somehow the scholars on “The View” and - Outsider MU - 3/27 09:26:29
               ???????????????(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 3/27 09:42:26
          RE: Didn't read it but it's funny how libs are so - scan MU - 3/27 09:19:54
               Ha ha ha ha (nm) - raskolnikov MU - 3/27 09:42:53
                    RE: Ha ha ha ha (nm) - scan MU - 3/27 09:49:04

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