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Biiden and democrats have a perfect storm of opportunity

Posted on: February 24, 2022 at 12:54:32 CT
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which I am certain they will completely blow, as they do.
But first the facts

-climate change is by far , far more important to the US and the world than pretty much any happenings in Ukraine short of all out nuclear global warfare.

-Ukraine is not a natural allie nor a member of NATO, though they have become a large importer of US goods over the past 20 years.

-war is never popular, wars of choice even less so.

Independence from fossil fuels is way more desirable than US energy independence .

The American west is going through the worst drought in the last 1200 years (which wiped out the Anazazi culture.

Democrats are approaching what should be unlosable midterm elections, but as of now most certainly will
for lack of any sort of coherent message. The Trumplicans however have numerous lies and delusions but they stick to the message like the borg they are.

The oppostunity is to speak the truth and facts, do whats right and make political hay out of all of it.
They won't.


-Biden should announce that no US troops will be sent into the Ukraine not now not never. and stick with it.
Trumplicans will be confused as they are currently pro invasion but when they hear that democrats want to stay out they will rabidly let their war mongering flow to the surface. And hammeer that point endlessly over the next 8 months.

-Biden should announce this is the prefect excuse to break the oil habit. A tsunami of misinformation will
of course ensue, but point it out again and again.
point to clean air , clean water, clean air, improved health -which are always winning propositions. Emphasize the covid threat of respiratory problems.

-Commit to converting the US military (the biggest polluter on the planet) to all electric. Simple transport vehicles within 3 years (jeeps , troop transport, goods transport and the like) with all out R and D for tanks jets, ships etc

--counter the Keystone disinformation with facts: that oil is the most polluting of al, the operators are notorious for not maintaining them causing leaks AND
the gas produced is almost certainly slated to be shipped out of the country. point out the tremendous waste of water to produce that oil, build a much shorter cleaner pipeline to carry fresh Canadian water used for that mess, and simply pump it into the Colorado river.

-add about 1.50 tax to gasoline. make the purchase of
an electric vehicle 100% tax deductable, make a hybrid about 75% deductable , similar tax credits for diverting away from the use of gas and oil. Use the money from the
gas tas addition to half pay off the debt and half
for climate combatting solutions. Portray it as inflation fighting as it takes money out of general circulation. The Trumplicans will of course pant for sticking a straw in every inch of America as somehow patriotic.

-and finally tie it all together by protraying the dems as "big picture: addressing numerous problems in a more
holistic approach rather than the chicken little piecemeal one crisis after another , none of which ever get solved.

solutions is what I do. I expect the opposite of all of those will actually happen as the singing and dancing lying and deflection responses to follow will show.
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Biiden and democrats have a perfect storm of opportunity - JG MU - 2/24 12:54:32
     this bat$hit nonsensical rant is still more put together - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 2/24 13:19:45
     Seems you're trying to advise democrats so they stay in - Wildcat KSU - 2/24 13:14:38
          I advised soiutions to America's problems - JG MU - 2/24 13:19:43
               The biggest problem right now in the U.S. - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:23:48
                    Yes it is - JG MU - 2/24 13:26:47
                         This is the reason your proposals will go nowhere - Wildcat KSU - 2/24 13:34:09
                              being a conservative does not mean being a - JG MU - 2/24 13:44:16
                                   ^^there's a lie(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 2/24 15:22:29
                                   It also doesn't mean raising taxes - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:55:43
          a conservative that wants the gov't - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:15:10
               that would not force you simpletons to act in your - JG MU - 2/24 13:20:21
                    That's exactly what the goal is - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:20:55
                         the goal is to improve the lives of every single America - JG MU - 2/24 13:21:50
                              That's up to the individual - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:23:09
                                   LOL - JG MU - 2/24 13:27:12
     You should mention solar, wind, and tidal energy - TigerJackSwartz MU - 2/24 13:01:13
          Howabout a water wheel in the crick? It really spins - Logan BAMA - 2/24 13:03:56
          I pretty much did - JG MU - 2/24 13:02:29
               I mean Biden going on that platform is never happening - TigerJackSwartz MU - 2/24 13:07:00
                    I realize that, I am just pointing out real possible - JG MU - 2/24 13:09:10
               Biden is obstructing solar - Spanky KU - 2/24 13:05:33
          People are generally very stupid - JG MU - 2/24 13:00:19
               Or people don't want to be forced into something - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:02:09
                    LOL yeah like trillions of dollars of deficit - JG MU - 2/24 13:03:43
                         odd response (nm) - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:05:04
                              Not really. GOP really loves big deficits when they are - SparkyStalcup MU - 2/24 13:06:29
                                   I'm not talking about the GOP (nm) - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:09:13
                                        thats all you cheer for Sal - JG MU - 2/24 13:11:37
                                             You clearly missed the point of Egg's post - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:14:06
                                                  I agree people are stupid and can't - JG MU - 2/24 13:21:07
                                                       Have these issues been addressed on a mass scale? - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:22:30
                                                            Its still a practically brand new technology - JG MU - 2/24 13:26:10
                                                                 so deal with the pollution to produce the EV's - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:27:54
                              not if you understand what is going on Sal - JG MU - 2/24 13:05:46
                                   What is going on? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:08:59
                                        war, climate change, racism, pollution, inflation, - JG MU - 2/24 13:10:18
                                             ^^^DNC platform (nm) - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:11:16
                                                  LOL if only - JG MU - 2/24 13:22:08
     I stopped reading at unlosable midterm elections - OntheMark MU - 2/24 12:59:11
          Yeah I have no idea what he's talking about there - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:00:34
               SHOULD be unlosable. However, the Dems are notoriously bad - SparkyStalcup MU - 2/24 13:04:11
                    Why should it be unlosable? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:05:38
                         Anti American anti democracy pro pollution pro war - JG MU - 2/24 13:07:52
                              You are a MSM talking point machine - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:08:48
                                   LOL none of that is MSM - JG MU - 2/24 13:11:11
               Looking back several decades, the trend seems to follow - Eggs MU - 2/24 13:02:47
                    That's correct, there is a power shift in this situation - Sal CMSU - 2/24 13:03:27
     lol thanks John Kerry (nm) - Sal CMSU - 2/24 12:56:51
          The worst part, is they don't even have a working solution. - RHAYWORTH MU - 2/24 13:03:10
               damn do I nail it - JG MU - 2/24 13:04:49
     Stopped reading at first bullet point. Dumb (nm) - zoomer 99 - 2/24 12:56:26
          the military jeeps need to go all electric baby! (nm) - Sal CMSU - 2/24 12:59:32
               I can get that you will sing and dance about it - JG MU - 2/24 13:22:55
     Nope. Climate change isn't. - RHAYWORTH MU - 2/24 12:55:40

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