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the difference is the media coverage of each

Posted on: February 10, 2022 at 17:05:54 CT
90Tiger STL
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22.36 yrs
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one is "crazy, hysterical, looney" the other is MSM responsibly and factual sharing the Science (tm) to help the lemmings.
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     Brought the VaxNazis out with that one. Big Pharma proud - TigerFan92 STL - 2/10 17:36:29
          Alex Jones is like the Babylon Bee, but the dummies can't - TigerMatt KC - 2/10 17:42:13
     Unvaccinated 17 year old dead. We don't know his vaccine - TigerMatt KC - 2/10 17:23:13
          Kids don't need the vaccine - only insane brainwashed such - TrumpToRushmore MU - 2/10 17:25:44
     "we don't know if they were vaccinated....but you could - dangertim MU - 2/10 16:01:37
          Im sure they weren’t - DollarSigns MU - 2/10 16:14:21
               you're doing the same bull**** the MSM was doing the last - dangertim MU - 2/10 16:56:20
                    Lil timmy ostrich(nm) - DollarSigns MU - 2/10 17:51:37
                    the difference is the media coverage of each - 90Tiger STL - 2/10 17:05:54
                         I think both sites (MSM and infowars) think they are being - dangertim MU - 2/10 17:08:04
                              That's not my point. Infowars isn't NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, - 90Tiger STL - 2/10 17:13:40
                                   I don't know what you're getting at. There are adults - dangertim MU - 2/10 17:34:58
                                        when any dissenting opinion, data, voice is blocked - 90Tiger STL - 2/10 17:38:20
                                             That is a cop out. Just because one side is censored does - TigerMatt KC - 2/10 17:57:09
                                                  no one claimed it is, but you're missing reality here. - 90Tiger STL - 2/10 21:55:38
               From inforwars, the same “news source” that had their azz - namres MU - 2/10 16:20:22
                    were you at the Connecticut school shooting? (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 2/10 17:06:31
                    RE: From inforwars: Have you read the NYTimes, WaPo or - BH O'bonga MU - 2/10 16:32:09
                    So the players didn’t collapse and die. The parents are - DollarSigns MU - 2/10 16:30:00
                         Most of the liberals on here will stay the course even when - TrumpToRushmore MU - 2/10 16:54:29

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