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Going virtual probably better

Posted on: January 18, 2022 at 16:45:15 CT
meatiger MU
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25.42 yrs
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Many teachers could actually still teach, and students might do something. Having subs is a glorified babysitter. And I doubt they keep subs over staff for times like this
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Emergency school board meeting - MidwestLittleTiger STL - 1/18 16:35:41
     Zoom classes - Tigrrrr! MU - 1/18 18:02:23
     How many of them are actually sick?...... - UnWokeTiger MU - 1/18 16:58:02
          It was my understanding they needed to test - MidwestLittleTiger STL - 1/18 17:06:01
               test positive =/= sick (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 1/18 17:37:51
                    Lol......No symptoms = Not Sick....... - UnWokeTiger MU - 1/18 18:00:26
                    That is correct and the reason why some can still teach - MidwestLittleTiger STL - 1/18 17:45:08
          It's because you can't work if you have a runny nose - Joeboo MU - 1/18 16:59:29
               Bingo...... - UnWokeTiger MU - 1/18 17:03:12
     The Simpsons have the answers - Joeboo MU - 1/18 16:57:17
          we get those, my kids gradeschool went from having 1-2 - Joeboo MU - 1/18 16:48:34
     Our school district cancelled today and tomorrow. Expecting - mizzou541 KC - 1/18 16:41:26
     Tough ****. Bring in some substitutes. - Sauerkraut MU - 1/18 16:41:14
          Nobody gonna put up with what teachers do - JayHoaxH8r MU - 1/18 17:21:58
               Teachers don’t do (nm) - Sauerkraut MU - 1/18 18:15:23
               Agreed. (nm) - go tigers MU - 1/18 17:40:27
               stupid people will continue putting up with it - phrejd MU - 1/18 17:25:29
                    Aww puddin - JayHoaxH8r MU - 1/18 17:26:59
                         we're all wasting money on a subpar education system (nm) - phrejd MU - 1/18 17:29:48
                              Maybe in your neighborhood - JayHoaxH8r MU - 1/18 17:30:38
                                   lol. yeah. - phrejd MU - 1/18 17:32:06
          There aren't enough. - MidwestLittleTiger STL - 1/18 16:48:42
          Bus in Prisoners. They can sub - Joeboo MU - 1/18 16:47:32
               you joke, but... - phrejd MU - 1/18 16:50:28
               I bet they’d work harder than the teachers (nm) - Sauerkraut MU - 1/18 16:48:22
                    Woah, those are heroes you're talking about (nm) - Mormad MU - 1/18 16:52:35
                         wait, I thought the nurses were heroes. Now teachers - Joeboo MU - 1/18 16:56:09
                              front line workers, bro. nurses, teachers, and grocery store - phrejd MU - 1/18 17:01:20
                                   what about the girl @Chick-Fil-A that hands me sauce packets - Joeboo MU - 1/18 17:04:52
                                        ahem... unprecedented times. these are unprecedented times. - phrejd MU - 1/18 17:18:43
          Why didn't the school districts think of that? - tgr MU - 1/18 16:45:16
               We’re not exactly talking about the best and brightest here(nm) - Sauerkraut MU - 1/18 16:47:04
                    He meant you - JayHoaxH8r MU - 1/18 17:23:12
                    Hmmm nm - MIZtigerZOU MU - 1/18 16:48:02
          Going virtual probably better - meatiger MU - 1/18 16:45:15
               Parents didn't require their kids to do the work - JayHoaxH8r MU - 1/18 17:25:39
               It isn’t (nm) - Sauerkraut MU - 1/18 16:47:45
               You think teachers are still going to teach if they test - mizzou541 KC - 1/18 16:46:22
                    Are you south of KC a bit? - JayHoaxH8r MU - 1/18 17:24:13
     There must be something going around.(nm) - AllThingsKC KC - 1/18 16:39:58
     Did you lead the protests and threaten their families? - Mormad MU - 1/18 16:38:04

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