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RE: Who are the best players MU has ever defeated?

Posted on: January 5, 2022 at 21:48:09 CT
DaEvns MU
Member For:
25.43 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
Lee Mayberry, Todd Day, Byron Houston, Marcus Fizer, Eric Piatkowski, Gerald Paddio, Stacey Augmon...etc. Turning on the way back machine on you youngins.
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     RE: Who are the best players MU has ever defeated? - DaEvns MU - 1/5 21:48:09
     Wayman Tisdale - mikefinkdb MU - 1/5 21:22:48
     The McCrays, Alvan Adams, D Whitttenberg KTripucka - Tigeraja MU - 1/5 13:37:30
     Fly Williams, Rolando Blackman.... - marcus aurelius SEMO - 1/5 11:23:01
          Didn't Lex Drum play for us, not against us? (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 1/5 12:12:11
               I think Lex transferred to UAB and we played them then - Tigeraja MU - 1/5 13:38:30
     AC Green. nm - whiteshadow MU - 1/5 10:55:45
     Scotty Wedman... - mizzoumurfkc KC - 1/5 10:54:39
     Stacy King,ok?(nm) - oldtgr MU - 1/5 10:27:51
     Cuonzo Martin - JayHoaxH8r MU - 1/5 10:09:27
     Christian Moody - Delicious MU - 1/5 10:01:58
     RE: Who are the best players MU has ever defeated? - COMO58 MU - 1/5 09:29:50
     Derek Harper, John Paxson, Sidney Lowe, Byron Scott, Kevin - CoolBreeze22 MU - 1/5 09:23:59
     Kevin Durant took an L in his only trip to Mizzou Arena - HissingPrigs77 MU - 1/5 09:18:23
          False. We lost, and it was in Austin. - mizzou john MU - 1/5 12:51:55
     Billups(nm) - TigerA MU - 1/5 08:26:01
          Good one, thanks. (nm) - FIJItiger MU - 1/5 08:52:39

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