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Ummmm, I don't know how "relevant" we were this year

Posted on: November 30, 2021 at 07:57:11 CT
Deputy Dawg MU
Member For:
21.34 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
At different points in the season, our defense and passing game were complete jokes. Hopefully, the defense continues to improve and we find a legit SEC QB for next year.
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Is there any concern - HSCoach STL - 11/29 21:14:52
     Great job at getting commitments and only a month away - Guinny_Ire MU - 11/30 15:10:12
     Ummmm, I don't know how "relevant" we were this year - Deputy Dawg MU - 11/30 07:57:11
     relevant ? SMH - fatrat MU - 11/30 06:13:26
     RE: Is there any concern - sarasotatiger MU - 11/29 22:18:18
     .500 is relevant now, under .500 in con is relevant - MUTGR MU - 11/29 21:49:12
     Name some players he recruited that are starting...nm - HDTiger MU - 11/29 21:47:08
     hope so, we need a black coach - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 11/29 21:38:18
          Barry was our white Radio. Let’s get the real deal! - Emoji Man OU - 11/29 21:43:52
               got dam - Fire Marshall Bill MU - 11/29 21:53:59
          Lol'd.... - UnWokeTiger MU - 11/29 21:41:24
          Why in the hell would anyone want to hire..... - UnWokeTiger MU - 11/29 21:40:34
     Why?..... Completely unproven & .500 - UnWokeTiger MU - 11/29 21:24:46
     Why would he leave? - Ferg MU - 11/29 21:22:48
     He’s 11-11 here. So doubt it. (nm) - wu-tangtiger MU - 11/29 21:17:58
     No - Mormad MU - 11/29 21:16:17
          RE: No - HSCoach STL - 11/29 21:35:05

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