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Have you noticed that smarter posters usually

Posted on: November 7, 2021 at 09:58:19 CT
hokie VT
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8.66 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
post their thoughts and ideas in complete sentences and sometimes multiple paragraphs?

They, people like michigan, georgia, 7176, obongo, tigrrrr, rita, highlander, ragnar dangerfield and most of the right thinkers....and even ummmm and heifer who say the wrong things most times but are articulate enough and confident enough to post what they think in an intelligent post.

They are also considerate enough to include a NM in the subject line when no further thoughts follow.

Then we have the idiots, led by The Idiot who respond to sensible and articulate postings with as few words as possible.


Why are you stupid
Wrong board

Vague and non specific responses are their best defense against revealing their inability to communicate.

Swamp rat opts for poorly worded partial sentences and phrases and often includes how some posters are poor guests. Usually without addressing the post.

And then there is cartoon boy. M.O.G. man who is at least sharp enough to know he's incapable of any reasonable articulation of his thoughts, uses what he believes to be clever pictures to mask his inability to author a complete thought.

And of course The Idiot's idiots like asstray and meat do what they are told to do and think what they are told to think and echo or parrot in asstray's case, the profundities of their leader. Look for brilliant one word (or less) responses from the stupidest among us.

And finally there are ace and jg. Two trolls without a soul between them. Apparently needing people to click on their crap, they virtually never have the consideration to include NM in their subject line. A selfish and stupid trait shared by cartoon boy.

Two trolls without a thought or care about truth, or honesty or integrity. Just throwing things out there to voyeuristically enjoy the responses.

Just an observation.
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Have you noticed that smarter posters usually - hokie VT - 11/7 09:58:19
     regarding your question: Sometimes idiots like to take - dangertim BSU - 11/7 16:10:12
     Stupid Hokiebird(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 11/7 13:32:38
     no (nm) - 90Tiger STL - 11/7 11:54:38
     Incidentally....you overlooked "delusional delerium".(nm) - GA Tiger MU - 11/7 11:37:10
     Thank you. And also, would people with only one short - GA Tiger MU - 11/7 11:35:55
     LOL I take comfort that in your delusional delerium - JG MU - 11/7 11:05:37
     Your an idiot - El-ahrairah BAMA - 11/7 10:52:36
          Poor cookie - mizzoumurfkc KC - 11/7 11:22:58
     That is the Tigerboard version - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 11/7 10:51:54
     POTY? - Emoji Man OU - 11/7 10:38:24
     LMFAO - pickle MU - 11/7 10:35:19
     nm - hokie VT - 11/7 10:30:08
          Dude, you just advised yourself to ask your - Newcatbirdseat MU - 11/7 10:32:15
          ask yours for help with how to post on a message board (nm) - ashtray UF - 11/7 10:30:41
     TL;DR (nm) - ashtray UF - 11/7 10:27:07
          You should try to read it. You are prominently featured - hokie VT - 11/7 10:30:51
               I don't read your posts (nm) - ashtray UF - 11/7 10:31:10
                    But you said this one was "too long". So do you read - hokie VT - 11/7 10:31:48
     no (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 11/7 10:01:57
          You didn't read all that, there were too many big words. nm - hokie VT - 11/7 10:04:53
               of course not, I only clicked on it to answer your question(nm) - SwampTiger MU - 11/7 10:16:31

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