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That seems to be one of the weird misconceptions

Posted on: October 21, 2021 at 11:21:48 CT
FIJItiger MU
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22.02 yrs
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for those on the outside. Drinking too much isn't the same topic as hazing, they are separate categories of things. If anything drinking too much occurs because they relax on the hazing for a period and that allows you to drink too much.
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Article on Greek life at Mizzou. Link - hokie VT - 10/21 10:54:52
     Seems like they are mixing topics - FIJItiger MU - 10/21 11:05:07
          word is .48 BAC (nm) - pickle MU - 10/21 11:07:25
               I think it was pledge dad night - FIJItiger MU - 10/21 11:10:27
                    RE: I think it was pledge dad night - MUTGR MU - 10/21 11:17:19
                    pledge dad night started off with hazing - pickle MU - 10/21 11:12:13
                         Agree. And I probably had a very high BAC - FIJItiger MU - 10/21 11:15:48
                              agreed - pickle MU - 10/21 11:17:11
                                   That seems to be one of the weird misconceptions - FIJItiger MU - 10/21 11:21:48
     RE: Article on Greek life at Mizzou. Link - MUTGR MU - 10/21 10:59:53
     lol non frat idiots showing up to protest - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 10/21 10:59:04
          Don’t call your fraternity a “frat”. You wouldn’t call your - Emoji Man OU - 10/21 14:24:37
          RE: lol non frat idiots showing up to protest - pickle MU - 10/21 11:08:21
               No but we did dominate the eps in intramurals(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 10/21 11:12:41
                    a friend from high school - pickle MU - 10/21 11:16:40
               lol (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/21 11:11:12
     "Stop the hazing. We want justice"....WTF....Question, if - tigertix MU - 10/21 10:58:41

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