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Posted on: October 15, 2021 at 07:30:19 CT
raskolnikov MU
Member For:
24.04 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:

Job One - it was really his only job - Remove Trump from power. But while he has been in office, he has done the following. Are they all great? I don't know. But the poster seemed to think nothing had been done. Not true.

"Here’s a list of some of the major accomplishments Biden has achieved since entering office and see what he’s done for you lately:
Delivered 200 million shots in less than 100 days. This was double the initial goal of 100 shots in 100 days, and 200 shots was hit with a week to spare. 220 million in total were administered in 100 days. [NBC News, 4/22/21]
Sent checks up to $1,400 to 160 million households. This represents a total value of more than $384 billion. [CBS News, 4/28/21]
Committed to cutting carbon pollution in half by 2030. [NBC News, 04/22/21]
Fully reopened majority of schools. The Biden administration provided support to states and localities and “distributed $81 billion of $122 billion in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds to states for immediate use this spring and planning ahead for summer and beyond.” [Department of Education, 4/29/21]
Paused student loan payments and set student loan interest rates to 0 percent. [CBS News, 1/21/21]
Confirmed the most diverse Cabinet in history. [NPR, 2/5/21]
Protected LGBTQ people from discrimination. This Executive Order issued on his first day in office established federal policy to “fully enforce” the “laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation.” [WH, 1/20/21]
Expanded child tax credit. This could cut child poverty in half. [Yahoo News, 4/28/21]
Gave billions in support for meals to those affected by the pandemic. Up to 34 million kids will have $375 per week to buy food over the summer. [NBC News, 4/26/21]
Helped ensure more than 50 percent of adults vaccinated with one shot. [NBC News, 4/18/21]
Mandated masks on federal property. The Executive Order is meant to protect the federal workforce and encourage mask usage across the country. It also developed a testing plan for the federal workforce. [WH, 1/20/21]
Rejoined Paris climate accord. The Biden administration rejoined the Paris Climate accord nearly four years after the Trump administration began the process to exit the international agreement which sets ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas pollution, and nearly four months after the Trump administration had officially withdrawn. This would have left the United States in the company of Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Eritrea, Yemen, and Libya, which are the six nations who have not joined. [WH, 1/20/21]
Rescinded Muslim ban. Biden issued an Executive Order revoking Trump executive actions he called “a stain on our national conscience and are inconsistent with our long history of welcoming people of all faiths and no faith at all” and “just plain wrong.” [WH, 1/20/21]
Rejoined World Health Organization. The Trump administration had pulled the United States out of the global health organization. [WH, 1/20/21
Decreased amount of deportations. Initially a 100-day pause on deportations that a judge halted, deportations have dropped dramatically and focused on actual dangers and threats. [WH, 1/20/21]
Preserved and fortified DACA. [WH, 1/20/21]
Extended federal unemployment insurance through September. The extra $300 per week is targeted at the 11 million Americans who are unemployed, many due to the pandemic. [American Rescue Plan, 3/11/21]
Helped small businesses and nonprofits weather the pandemic. This boosted the Paycheck Protection Plan by $7.25 billion. [American Rescue Plan, 3/11/21]
Provided billions in emergency rental assistance. This includes money for the unhoused and victims of domestic violence. [American Rescue Plan, 3/11/21]
Supported airline industry workers. This saved at least 27,000 airline industry jobs. [MSNBC, 3/12/21]
Supported restaurant workers. This supported small restaurant owners and workers by opening an exclusive PPP window for smaller mom-and-pop stores to apply and get aid. [CSBJ, 3/3/21]
Boosted COVID-19 testing and vaccine implementation. This includes: $7.5 billion to CDC to administer vaccines, $46 billion to diagnose and trace infections, $2 billion for testing and PPE [American Rescue Plan, 3/11/21]
Helped families with heating and cooling costs. The ARP boosted LIHEAP by $4.5 billion. [American Rescue Plan, 3/11/21]
Gave teachers and schools necessary pandemic funding. This provided $128 billion to state education agencies [WH, 3/15/21]
Supported child care facilities. The ARP invested about $15 billion in the Child Care & Development Block Grant program, targeting high-need areas. [American Rescue Plan, 3/11/21]
Cancelled student debt for 72,000 borrowers. These students were victims of fraud from for profit institutions. [Department of Education, 03/18/21]
Created more than 18,000 infrastructure jobs on public lands. This is a $1.6 billion investment on infrastructure on public lands and for Tribal schools [04/02/21]
Condemned racism and intolerance against Asian Americans. This executive order also directed the attorney General “to explore opportunities to support, consistent with applicable law, the efforts of State and local agencies, as well as AAPI communities and community-based organizations, to prevent discrimination, bullying, harassment, and hate crimes against AAPI individuals.” [WH, 01/26/21]
Stopped drilling in the Arctic. Among other rule changes, this placed “a temporary moratorium on all activities of the Federal Government relating to the implementation of the Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program” in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. [WH, 1/20/21]
Halted the Keystone XL pipeline. “The Keystone XL pipeline disserves the U.S. national interest. … Leaving the Keystone XL pipeline permit in place would not be consistent with my Administration’s economic and climate imperatives.” [WH, 1/20/21]
Used the Defense Production Act to fight the pandemic. This sped up vaccinations and increased production of PPE. [The Washington Post, 02/05/21]
Rescinded “zero tolerance” policy that resulted in family separations. [NBC News, 1/26/21]
Fired anti-union NLRB general counsel. The Biden administration fired anti-union NLRB general counsel Peter Robb, who helped Reagan break the air traffic controllers union, and has pushed a pro-business, anti-worker agenda at the NLRB for almost four years. Biden asked for his resignation and when he refused, fired him 10 months before his term ended. [Bloomberg, 1/20/21]
Nominated first Senate-confirmed transgender official, Dr. Rachel Levine. She was confirmed in March as the highest-ranking openly transgender official in U.S. history. [The Washington Post, 03/24/2021]
Demanded resignation of anti-free speech VOA head. The Biden-Harris administration demanded the resignation of anti-free-speech Voice of America head Michael Pack. While he was running the congressionally-funded international broadcaster VOA, he picked fights with media, attacked the so-called “deep state,” disciplined his own journalists for asking questions of Trump appointees, and faced regular accusations of pro-Trump bias. Biden’s pick to replace him was a whistleblower who is part of a lawsuit alleging Pack committed illegal acts. [NPR, 1/20/21]
Created COVID-19 response coordinator reporting to president. This executive order essentially restarted the NSC pandemic response team that Trump eliminated. [White House, 1/20/21]
Revoked “global gag rule,” or Mexico City policy. This rescinded the “Mexico City policy, which bans U.S. aid to groups that make referrals for abortion or discuss abortion as an option abroad.” [Time, 1/28/21; White House, 1/28/21]
Changed White House website to ask for pronouns. Four years prior to this change, the Trump White House removed all mention of LGBTQ from its website. [NBC News, 1/21/21]
Reinstated Spanish-language version of White House website. La Casa Bianca, back after the Trump administration took it down four years ago. [US News, 01/20/21]
Made ASL pledge of allegiance at inauguration. This was the first time the pledge was delivered in ASL at an inauguration, demonstrating the administration’s commitment to inclusivity and accessibility. [NPR, 1/20/21]
Revoked order on defunding sanctuary cities. [White House, 1/20/21]
Booted deregulation. The administration, highlighting “the urgent challenges facing the Nation, including the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, economic recovery, racial justice, and climate change,” declared that agencies have to be “equipped with the flexibility to use robust regulatory action to address national priorities,” to tackle them effectively. “This order revokes harmful policies and directives that threaten to frustrate the Federal Government’s ability to confront these problems.” [WH, 1/20/21]
Extended Obamacare enrollment window a second time. This provided coverage to over half a million people. [NBC News, 3/23/21]
Extended eviction ban to June 30. This affects millions of tenants. [Politico, 3/29/21]
Made plans for new vehicles to be more fuel-efficient. [WH, 1/20/21]
Canceled student debt for 41,000 borrowers with disabilities. [Yahoo News, 03/30/21]
Directed review of standards that encouraged needless pollution from coal and oil-fired power plants. This was part of a review of regulatory action taken during the Trump administration. [WH, 1/20/21]
Protected national monuments. This includes taking action to reverse the shrinking of Bears Ears National Monument, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, and Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument. [WH, 01/20/21]
Acknowledged the cost of carbon pollution. [WH, 01/20/21]
Changed rules to allow 25 million people to get boost in food stamp benefits. [CNN, 04/21/21]
Brought science back to chemical safety regulations. [EPA, 04/08/21]
Restored daily weekday press briefings. [ABC.Net.Au, 01/21/21]
Extended eviction moratorium. His first day in office, Biden immediately extended the moratorium through the end of March. [CDC, 1/20/21]
Advanced racial equity within government. This directed federal agencies to “assess whether, and to what extent, its programs and policies perpetuate systemic barriers to opportunities and benefits for people of color and other underserved groups.” [WH, 1/20/21]
Redirected funding from border wall construction. This also ordered an investigation of whether the funding redirected from the military under Trump was legally done. [WH, 1/20/21]
Unfroze $27 billion in funds for international COVID-19 efforts frozen by Trump. [The Hill, 1/20/21]
Issued science-based guidance to keep workers safe from COVID-19. [WH, 1/20/21]
Ensured equitable pandemic response and recovery. “In order to identify and eliminate health and social inequities resulting in disproportionately higher rates of exposure, illness, and death, I am directing a Government-wide effort to address health equity. The Federal Government must take swift action to prevent and remedy differences in COVID-19 care and outcomes within communities of color and other underserved populations.” [WH, 1/21/21]
Incorporated CDC guidance to promote safe travel. This guidance, heretofore lacking, involved mask wearing, recent negative Covid tests for international travel, basic worker protections, and other state and local support measures. [WH, 1/21/21]
Set up pandemic testing board to get testing where needed. This includes schools and other high-priority areas. [WH, 1/21/21]
Provided national guidance on safe school reopening under COVID-19. This guidance was meant to “provide support to help create the conditions for safe, in-person learning as quickly as possible; ensure high-quality instruction and the delivery of essential services often received by students and young children at school, institutions of higher education, child care providers, and Head Start programs; mitigate learning loss caused by the pandemic; and address educational disparities and inequities that the pandemic has created and exacerbated.” [WH, 1/21/21]
Kept and maintained COVID-19 data. This followed a disruptive approach to data collection under the previous administration. [WH, 1/21/21]
Ensured pandemic support for the National Guard and FEMA. [WH, 1/21/21]
Expanded care and access to treatment for COVID-19. This is meant to accelerate novel therapies, improve health care capacity, and make care more equitable. [WH, 1/21/21]
Established a global COVID-19 response director. [Politico, 4/05/21]
Made funding for non-congregate sheltering of homeless fully reimbursable. This compares to 75% of the cost covered by FEMA and the rest passed to cities and states, who often cannot pay. [WH, 1/21/21]
Strengthened food assistance. “The order will ask the department to consider increasing the Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer program, or P-EBT, by 15% and making it easier for households to claim those benefits.” [USA Today, 1/22/21]
Guaranteed a $15 minimum wage for federal contractors. This could affect up to 390,000 workers. [Associated Press, 4/27/21]
Allowed workers to draw unemployment if they quit because their jobs are not safe. This had been a problem for workers worried about Covid-19. [WH, 3/15/21]
Overturned transgender ban on military service. The ban had been put in place by the Trump administration. [Reuters, 1/25/21]
Proclaimed science-based COVID-19 travel restrictions. This also included a new ban on travel from South Africa in response to the outbreak of the variant there. [NBC News, 1/25/21]
Promoted “Buy American” agenda. The order directs agencies to strengthen their requirements to buy products and services from American companies. [NBC News, 1/25/21]
Directed HUD secretary to redress history of housing discrimination. The order declared, “it is the policy of my Administration that the Federal Government shall work with communities to end housing discrimination, to provide redress to those who have experienced housing discrimination, to eliminate racial bias and other forms of discrimination in all stages of home-buying and renting, to lift barriers that restrict housing and neighborhood choice, to promote diverse and inclusive communities, to ensure sufficient physically accessible housing, and to secure equal access to housing opportunity for all.” [WH, 1/21/21]
Eliminated continued use of private prisons. The order directed the Attorney General to not renew any contracts with private prisons. [WH, 1/26/21]
Reaffirmed federal government’s commitment to tribal sovereignty. “The United States has made solemn promises to Tribal Nations for more than two centuries. Honoring those commitments is particularly vital now, as our Nation faces crises related to health, the economy, racial justice, and climate change — all of which disproportionately harm Native Americans.” [WH, 1/26/21]
Asked OMB to “embed racial equity in its work.” [CNN, 01/26/21]
Announced major offshore wind energy initiative that would help create 135,000 jobs. [New York Times, 3/29/21]
Issued memorandum on scientific integrity. “Improper political interference in the work of Federal scientists or other scientists who support the work of the Federal Government and in the communication of scientific facts undermines the welfare of the Nation, contributes to systemic inequities and injustices, and violates the trust that the public places in government to best serve its collective interests.” [WH, 1/27/21]
Re-established presidential council on science and technology. Listening to scientists again. [WH, 1/27/21]
Strengthened Medicaid and the ACA. This includes a comprehensive agency review of actions that might undermine Medicaid or support for people with pre-existing conditions. [WH, 1/28/21]
Revoked justification for family separation. This includes a task force to reunite families. [WH, 2/2/21]
Finalized deal for 200 million more vaccines. [NBC News, 2/11/21]
Issued executive order to promote access to voting. Within 200 days of the order, all agencies will need plans to increase access to voter registration and participation, as well as modernizing the Vote.gov portal. [CNN, 3/7/21]
Ensured everyone is counted in the census. [WH, 01/20/21]
Declared to agencies that gay and transgender youth are protectedunder civil rights law. This confirms that the U.S. Supreme Court’s Bostock decision applies to Title IX. [Department of Justice, 3/26/21]
Stopped the venting of methane needlessly into the atmosphere. This includes an immediate agency review of actions that have enabled the oil and gas industry to leak methane from their equipment and wells. [WH, 1/20/21]
Revised conservation standards to ensure building appliances are more efficient. [WH, 1/20/21]
Revoked Trump’s order sanctioning International Criminal Court officials. This move was applauded by human rights groups. [CNN, 4/02/21]
Made ethics pledge for administration staff. Among several requirements are a lobbyist gift ban, a revolving door ban, and a golden parachute ban. [WH, 01/20/21]
Moved up deadline for all adults to be eligible for COVID-19 vaccine to April 19. [CNN, 4/06/21]
Initiated modernizing regulatory review. This orders a “swift and effective” process that promotes “public health and safety, economic growth, social welfare, racial justice, environmental stewardship, human dignity, equity, and the interests of future generations.” [WH, 1/20/21]
Established presidential commission on the U.S. Supreme Court. [WH, 4/09/21]
Tripled the number of daily vaccinations. The daily rate was 1.1 million when Biden took office, and it reached 3.3 million within a few months. [POTUS Twitter, 4/14/21]
Punished Russia for cyberattacks on America. The administration also formally accused Russia of backing the massive SolarWinds hack of U.S. government and corporate computer systems.[Wall Street Journal, 4/15/21]
Acknowledged the Armenian genocide. [NPR, 4/24/21]
Imposed sanctions on Burma following coup. [AP, 2/10/21]
Reopened office of faith-based and neighborhood partnerships. [WH, 2/14/21]
Guaranteed an educational environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual orientation or gender identity. [WH, 3/08/21]
Established gender policy council in the White House. [WH, 3/08/21]
Signed $5 billion in relief for Black farmers impacted by decades of discrimination made worse during the pandemic. [NBC 4, 4/5/21]
Saved the pensions of more than 1 million retirees. Biden’s American Rescue Plan restored to financial health more than 100 failing pension plans covering more than 400,000 workers and their families. [Forbes, 3/12/21]"
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Gas prices, inflation, supply chain issues, unemployment - Fire Marshall Bill A - 10/15 06:34:58
     Supply chain issues can’t, and won’t be solved by any - Bulldog Bob Brown STL - 10/15 08:41:59
          RE: Supply chain issues can’t, and won’t be solved by any - sarasotatiger MU - 10/15 18:38:08
     All of these are the result of more government - meatiger MU - 10/15 08:12:00
          All of these are the result of more government: Yet, none - BH O'bonga MU - 10/15 08:30:01
               they all occurred before Biden became president - ashtray UF - 10/15 09:05:52
               Supply chain has been in flux and trouble for at least - Bulldog Bob Brown STL - 10/15 08:50:57
               lol jeezus what a clown post (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 10/15 08:35:22
               RE: All of these are the result of more government: Yet, none - meatiger MU - 10/15 08:34:49
               Wrong (nm) - pickle MU - 10/15 08:32:05
          what is the "we" nonsense? You got a mouse in your pocket? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 10/15 08:13:51
               Are you a libertarian that is freaked out by "we"?????? (nm) - kmawv8 ATL - 10/15 08:34:32
                    nah, was making fun of it all (nm) - Sal CMSU - 10/15 08:39:55
                         You said all - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 08:45:56
                         That is how I took it(nm) - meatiger MU - 10/15 08:41:03
                    More like a rational person calling someone out on their - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 08:38:06
                         There’s nothing nonsensical about it - pickle MU - 10/15 08:44:04
                         Meat should have been called out for his use of "we". - kmawv8 ATL - 10/15 08:39:10
                              Because this is an open messageboard - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 08:45:07
               Did meat actually edit his post after you called - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 08:19:46
                    good to see you admit you mistake smugs (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 10/15 08:23:17
                    yes I did(nm) - meatiger MU - 10/15 08:21:47
                    he sure did(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill A - 10/15 08:21:01
                         meat is such a gutless dork - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 08:24:23
                              he may be a dork, but not gutless at all - SwampTiger MU - 10/15 08:33:13
                                   Yes (nm) - pickle MU - 10/15 08:55:12
                                   When you are called out for something in a post - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 08:48:10
                                        speaking of weak, smugs - SwampTiger MU - 10/15 08:49:41
                                             Do you not have access to the defintion? - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 08:51:20
                                                  gutless troll - SwampTiger MU - 10/15 08:54:30
                                                       No definition of the word fits his usage. - kmawv8 ATL - 10/15 08:58:38
                                                            that's why he won't post it and is too gutless to admit it (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 10/15 08:59:16
                                                                 I have already accurately and magnificently explained it - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 09:00:48
                                                                      gutless smug troll (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 10/15 09:02:10
                                                                           Appears we are getting a bit testy - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 09:04:03
                                                                                using the word gutless is getting testy? (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 10/15 09:07:21
                                                                                     It’s also gutless to make a claim about someone - pickle MU - 10/15 09:45:38
                                                                                          yep (nm) - SwampTiger MU - 10/15 09:47:46
                                                       It most certainly does as I discussed in my response - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 08:56:30
                                                            wow (nm) - pickle MU - 10/15 08:59:29
                                        It has been discussed thoroughly here - meatiger MU - 10/15 08:49:26
                                             I didn't need an answer - it was clear - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 08:52:04
                                                  I have owned up to it - meatiger MU - 10/15 08:54:40
                                                       You sure did once I noted the edit - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 08:57:04
                                                            So you are now claiming a gotcha moment - meatiger MU - 10/15 08:59:13
                                                                 It is not a gotcha - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 09:01:53
                                                                      I simply said I edited - meatiger MU - 10/15 09:06:19
                                                                           Most people, when called out on a boo-boo - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 09:09:52
                                                                                RE: Most people, when called out on a boo-boo - meatiger MU - 10/15 09:12:40
                                                                                     Correct - others had to explain the edit - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 09:14:33
                                                                                          others explained it first - meatiger MU - 10/15 09:16:25
                                                                                               Because you decided not to address it when you edited out - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 09:17:34
                                                                                               and I responded to your post - meatiger MU - 10/15 09:17:17
                                                                                                    And had you addressed your boo-boo when you made the - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 09:18:10
                                                                                                         lol(nm) - meatiger MU - 10/15 09:18:43
                              How is editing gutless? - meatiger MU - 10/15 08:25:28
                                   it’s not - pickle MU - 10/15 08:28:56
                                   it isn't, not acknowdging it (which you have now done) would - SwampTiger MU - 10/15 08:28:33
                                   You used it properly demonstrating the folly - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 08:27:01
                                        no (nm) - pickle MU - 10/15 08:29:26
                                        I did not use it properly at all(nm) - meatiger MU - 10/15 08:29:03
               you know where this is going - Fire Marshall Bill A - 10/15 08:16:48
                    They are one trick ponies and fancy themselves - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/15 08:22:51
                    You were the one that cited Biden as the issue - meatiger MU - 10/15 08:18:11
                         I did not cite such a thing - Fire Marshall Bill A - 10/15 08:20:39
                              It is not in the least related to just Biden - meatiger MU - 10/15 08:22:28
                                   right, the hypocrisy is thick - Fire Marshall Bill A - 10/15 08:27:05
     supported Sec of Transportation's paternity leave - SwampTiger MU - 10/15 07:54:46
          I think it's awesome he got the position - Sal CMSU - 10/15 08:03:21
               You misunderstood. - Tigrrrr! MU - 10/15 08:26:32
          Did Pete or his boyfriend carry a baby to term in one of - Emoji Man OU - 10/15 07:59:11
          LOL(nm) - Fire Marshall Bill A - 10/15 07:57:08
     RE: Gas prices, inflation, supply chain issues, unemployment - sarasotatiger MU - 10/15 07:27:24
          Are you denying that there is a crisis at - GODZILLA MU - 10/15 07:31:20
               RE: Are you denying that there is a crisis at - sarasotatiger MU - 10/15 07:53:23
                    Nm - hokie VT - 10/15 08:28:18
                    Princess Sara, was the question too tough? Do you think - hokie VT - 10/15 08:12:07
                    That says a whole lot about you. - GODZILLA MU - 10/15 07:58:20
                    If your vocabulary is that stunted you should probably sit - Emoji Man OU - 10/15 07:55:20
               RE: Are you denying : Sara and the other progs on TB are in - BH O'bonga MU - 10/15 07:39:19
                    irony (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/15 08:01:52
     The Xiden* regime is a disaster of major proportions. They - BH O'bonga MU - 10/15 07:22:22
     3.5 million children are no longer in poverty; got us off - raskolnikov MU - 10/15 07:20:17
          Hmmmmm.....bull**** - tigerfans3 MSSU - 10/15 08:51:43
          Lol wow(nm) - TigerFan92 STL - 10/15 08:41:17
          How did he get us off fossil fuels? - mizzouSECedes STL - 10/15 08:07:37
          lol (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/15 08:02:39
          you forgot to change handles, floyd(nm) - dangertim MU - 10/15 07:53:17
               RE: you forgot to change handles, floyd(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 10/15 07:54:29
                    you shouldn't (nm) - Sal CMSU - 10/15 08:09:29
                    Not sure that was his point, idiot. - Emoji Man OU - 10/15 07:56:17
                         Supply chain issues can’t, and won’t be solved by any - Bulldog Bob Brown STL - 10/15 08:32:33
                              Many facets to the supply chain disaster. But the first - Emoji Man OU - 10/15 08:36:51
          LOL. Rask just out stupided sara! No easy task. Guess that’s - Emoji Man OU - 10/15 07:50:53
          You are a dishonest pos partisan hack (nm) - hefeweizen MU - 10/15 07:47:56
          so over half of your "positives" are "he's not Trump" - Fire Marshall Bill A - 10/15 07:27:37
               So for you "half" of 100 is 1 ?? - raskolnikov MU - 10/15 07:33:02
                    spend baby spend! (nm) - Sal CMSU - 10/15 07:49:12
                         Should a tax payer not benefit from taxes paid ?(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 10/15 07:52:58
                              I would rather have that money back - Sal CMSU - 10/15 08:03:48
                              The best benefit for the tax payer would be to - MIZ45 MU - 10/15 07:54:33
                    4 items in your response to the OP had to do with Trump - Fire Marshall Bill A - 10/15 07:35:36
                         First - what "four items"? - raskolnikov MU - 10/15 07:41:37
                              RE: First - what - Fire Marshall Bill A - 10/15 07:42:50
                                   Two comments there about Trump. - raskolnikov MU - 10/15 07:50:57
                                        "you DO understand that politics is very tied to emotion" - Fire Marshall Bill A - 10/15 07:53:32
                                             ^^^ Thinks the MAGA is not emotion ^^^ that's rich(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 10/15 07:55:26
                                                  yes, politicians look to prey on emotions - Fire Marshall Bill A - 10/15 07:56:58
          The first president in hstory that is - GODZILLA MU - 10/15 07:24:57
               Lookie there, Godzilla has an opinion(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 10/15 07:26:14
                    It is not an opinion as he has proved it - GODZILLA MU - 10/15 07:28:08
                         ha ha ha ha - raskolnikov MU - 10/15 07:38:56
                              what a "straight shooter" - Fire Marshall Bill A - 10/15 07:40:33
                         Of course it’s an opinion. A well-founded opinion with - hokie VT - 10/15 07:31:37
                              STFU, pussy. You’re an idiot. You’re right wing Rask. - Emoji Man OU - 10/15 07:54:12
                                   Lol. I thought that was a rask post at first, too. - ashtray UF - 10/15 08:09:13
                                        You’re as stupid as MOG. Words are not kind to you. Nm - hokie VT - 10/15 08:14:36
                                             awww.. poor snowflake (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/15 08:15:15
                                   Use cartoons. Using words just embarrasses you. Nm - hokie VT - 10/15 08:08:19
                              Well done Hokie(nm) - raskolnikov MU - 10/15 07:33:42
          How are they no longer in "poverty"? - Sal CMSU - 10/15 07:23:37
               Damn, didn't see this fill up post (nm) - mizzouSECedes STL - 10/15 08:08:58
               How are they no longer in "poverty"?: Typical misdirection - BH O'bonga MU - 10/15 07:26:54
                    Facts - raskolnikov MU - 10/15 07:30:19
                         "Facts" - dangertim MU - 10/15 07:57:04
                              Just like their spending bill and how they're claiming - Sal CMSU - 10/15 08:04:28
                         lol a lot of big gov't nonsense in there, but this really - Sal CMSU - 10/15 07:46:59
                              LOL- that got me too - Fire Marshall Bill A - 10/15 07:49:06
     RE: Gas prices, inflation, supply chain issues, unemployment - sarasotatiger MU - 10/15 07:19:37
     Everything on your list is a positive to those idiots that - tigertix MU - 10/15 07:14:17
          Here you go bud - raskolnikov MU - 10/15 07:25:14
               So what does it say if you can support a president - GODZILLA MU - 10/15 07:30:34
                    You sure clinging to that, aren't you boy? - raskolnikov MU - 10/15 07:45:37
                         You are the one bringing Trump into this. - GODZILLA MU - 10/15 07:57:53
                              but he speaks with such empathy and compassion - Fire Marshall Bill A - 10/15 08:05:15
               Is that… THE mehdi hasan? Wow. Nm - hokie VT - 10/15 07:28:25

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