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They are possibly going to bring down their

Posted on: October 1, 2021 at 13:14:29 CT
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20.62 yrs
M.O.B. Votes:
own party and defying the desires of their voters and possibly going to destroy democracy all at the same time.

Unless they are secret republicans their stance makes no sense whatsoever.

Note : my post is in no way a support of the agenda- with the exception of the voter legislation which would save democracy
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Good points on Manchin and Sinema - Sal CMSU - 10/1 13:04:24
     No, they are not moderate. They are conservative, corporate - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/1 14:32:18
          What does a "corporate" dem mean? - Sal CMSU - 10/1 14:33:07
               Corporate Dems take the majority of their donations from - SparkyStalcup MU - 10/1 15:50:30
                    Yeah, but they're the BBQ Wing - Wildcat KSU - 10/1 17:01:08
               no sh*t - ashtray UF - 10/1 14:34:31
                    I first read that as Spanky - meatiger MU - 10/1 15:19:53
     Didn't like 98 or 99 of them approve trillions - meatiger MU - 10/1 13:22:05
          Why yes...yes they did...but Sal is fiscal - mizzoumurfkc KC - 10/1 13:29:41
               I'm not in the Senate bro (nm) - Sal CMSU - 10/1 13:34:23
               I do think Sal is fiscally conservative - meatiger MU - 10/1 13:30:35
                    I didn't say anything about conservatives...conservatives - mizzoumurfkc KC - 10/1 13:38:15
                         I assumed you meant con as conservative - meatiger MU - 10/1 14:27:31
                         Uh oh. Trouble in murf-JG paradise? (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 10/1 14:15:23
                         You act like I've never criticized the GOP for spending - Sal CMSU - 10/1 13:40:40
     Moderate Dems are as extinct as T Rex and the dodo. The - hokie VT - 10/1 13:12:36
          Great post hokie! It was concise. You didn’t whine or - Emoji Man OU - 10/1 13:31:06
          LOL there are zero conservative republicans anymore - JG MU - 10/1 13:15:09
               Did you check your new low spot on the Freedom Continuum?(nm) - Wildcat KSU - 10/1 14:00:27
               No - mizzoumurfkc KC - 10/1 13:30:57
               HEY! DON'T TALK ABOUT MUH DEMS LIKE THAT!!! (nm) - MIZ45 MU - 10/1 13:24:08
     Exactly - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/1 13:08:42
          West Virginia is like a different country - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 10/1 13:35:52
               direct connection as in your cousin/wife? (nm) - ashtray UF - 10/1 14:19:34
                    Yes(nm) - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 10/1 14:22:17
               sounds like Mexico (nm) - Sal CMSU - 10/1 13:59:52
                    That's not far off - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 10/1 14:20:41
               we call those gated communities - JayHoaxH8r MU - 10/1 13:44:12
          Machin seems to fool WV voters constantly - Sal CMSU - 10/1 13:11:30
               He knows how to play the good 'ol boy role - 4TigersinMichigan MU - 10/1 13:15:15
               Still has a thing or two to learn from McCain and Graham. - Emoji Man OU - 10/1 13:13:50
          Actually they are the craziest of them all - JG MU - 10/1 13:11:06
               How so? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 10/1 13:11:38
                    Because Daily Kos told him so - Spanky KU - 10/1 13:15:45
                         LOL Spanked - JG MU - 10/1 13:16:27
                              I never lie about you - Spanky KU - 10/1 13:17:55
                                   always and only - JG MU - 10/1 13:18:18
                                        Nope.. never(nm) - Spanky KU - 10/1 13:21:41
                                             That's a lie (nm) - mizzoumurfkc KC - 10/1 13:33:37
                                                  Nope(nm) - Spanky KU - 10/1 13:42:11
                                                       Yes. ..you lie nearly every day - mizzoumurfkc KC - 10/1 13:45:00
                                                            Nope. George admitted his racism - Spanky KU - 10/1 14:00:52
                                                                 and another - JG MU - 10/1 15:05:17
                                                                      Dance, Mr 'Blackface is Funny as Hell' Jolson..(nm) - Spanky KU - 10/1 15:10:19
                                                                           that lie has been busted dozens and dozens and dozens - JG MU - 10/1 15:11:35
                                                                                Nope. All you have done is deny what you posted - Spanky KU - 10/1 15:40:51
                                                                                     Link it up lie boy - JG MU - 10/1 15:49:31
                                                                                          Your handle is unsearchable. You know what you posted - Spanky KU - 10/1 15:57:27
                                                                                               Yes we both know what I posted . thats what makes you a liar - JG MU - 10/1 16:12:13
                                                                                                    You acknowledged it was a black mask and then ran like hell - Spanky KU - 10/1 16:19:05
                                                                                                         and again as always - JG MU - 10/1 17:36:29
                                             and again - JG MU - 10/1 13:24:06
                                                  keep dancing and singing Mr Jolson(nm) - Spanky KU - 10/1 13:24:45
                    They are possibly going to bring down their - JG MU - 10/1 13:14:29
                         So since they're not falling in line, they're crazy - Sal CMSU - 10/1 13:32:09
                         But..if as you claim , Dems and GOP are the same, - Spanky KU - 10/1 13:17:24
                              because of Trumplicans you nitwit - JG MU - 10/1 13:18:00
                                   Republicans and Dems are the same... That is your claim(nm) - Spanky KU - 10/1 13:22:36

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