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The Trump timeline was shorter

Posted on: September 7, 2021 at 09:55:48 CT
meatiger MU
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25.42 yrs
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I don't know what his exact timeline of doing various parts would have been if re-elected, but If his timeline was May ( I think) he would have only had 4-5 months to get it done.

I am also not sure of when Biden said all was ok, and the loss of other parts of Afghan started occurring, which clearly showed it was wrong.

There is always a history of chaos when plans to withraw are announced. This happened at like every step of the way in Iraq.
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Hostage crisis day 21 - DollarSigns MU - 9/7 09:18:58
     If Taliban allow Americans/hostages to leave, they lose... - Deputy Dawg MU - 9/7 10:49:16
     awesome - ashtray UF - 9/7 09:51:23
          yep can't build a nation on a foundation of dog $hit - Ragnar Danneskjold MU - 9/7 09:54:06
               We can't all be as cosmopolitan as you... - Gyro MU - 9/7 10:07:50
               sounds like you support nation building - ashtray UF - 9/7 09:55:56
     They had a year and a half to get out - mizzoumurfkc KC - 9/7 09:34:58
          Stand by your man, no matter how bad it gets - tcat KC - 9/7 09:47:40
          Why would they have wanted to leave? They were told - Spanky KU - 9/7 09:42:34
               Common sense(nm) - Toger STL - 9/7 09:56:13
                    We can't get common sense from Biden - Spanky KU - 9/7 10:11:55
                    They're very Spanky and - mizzoumurfkc KC - 9/7 10:06:19
                         Like always, you aren't paying attention - Sal CMSU - 9/7 10:08:29
                    wait... you mean personal responsibility? - ashtray UF - 9/7 09:57:23
               RE: Why would they have wanted to leave? They were told - sarasotatiger MU - 9/7 09:52:20
               that's not what the state dept said - ashtray UF - 9/7 09:52:08
          The Biden admin has stated it's their job - Sal CMSU - 9/7 09:38:03
               RE: The Biden admin has stated it's their job - sarasotatiger MU - 9/7 09:48:52
                    The 9/11 timeline was dumb as hell (nm) - Sal CMSU - 9/7 09:52:32
               K - mizzoumurfkc KC - 9/7 09:38:59
     Didn't Trump tell them all to leave years ago? - meatiger MU - 9/7 09:21:08
          Nope(nm) - tman MU - 9/7 10:20:43
          Why I would agree with the self ownership you are preaching - tcat KC - 9/7 09:42:05
               no mixed signals - ashtray UF - 9/7 09:56:30
                    But thier boss was not. Why are you defending Biden? (nm) - tcat KC - 9/7 10:00:55
                         I'm not defending Biden. I'm saying that the state dept - ashtray UF - 9/7 10:01:58
                              But the State Dept is to be trusted? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 9/7 10:02:25
                                   if the state dept says don't go - ashtray UF - 9/7 10:05:37
                                        Ok(nm) - tman MU - 9/7 10:51:08
                    Then Biden should have been on the same page (nm) - Sal CMSU - 9/7 09:58:01
                         why? (nm) - ashtray UF - 9/7 09:58:53
                              To have a consistent message - Sal CMSU - 9/7 10:01:28
                                   because people should rely on government? - ashtray UF - 9/7 10:02:48
                                        You are asking people to rely on - Sal CMSU - 9/7 10:03:34
                                             in hindsight - meatiger MU - 9/7 10:04:46
                                             no, you're asking them to ignore the state dept - ashtray UF - 9/7 10:04:22
                                                  No I'm not - Sal CMSU - 9/7 10:06:30
                                                       the ones putting together the messaging - meatiger MU - 9/7 10:09:01
                                                            Oh, so you're a big believer in Fauci now? (nm) - Sal CMSU - 9/7 10:10:02
                                                                 He is an appointed bureaucrat - meatiger MU - 9/7 10:13:17
               government is a complete f-up - meatiger MU - 9/7 09:47:59
                    Chaos after doesn't mean there had to be chaos - Sal CMSU - 9/7 09:52:09
                         The Trump timeline was shorter - meatiger MU - 9/7 09:55:48
                              Trump isn't President - Sal CMSU - 9/7 09:57:04
                                   So you would have also disagreed with the Trump plan? - meatiger MU - 9/7 10:02:22
                                        I have no idea what that plan would have looked like - Sal CMSU - 9/7 10:03:10
                                             He had a basic structure - meatiger MU - 9/7 10:04:17
               yes, BUT TRUMP -meatiger (nm) - Sal CMSU - 9/7 09:42:53
          Biden said in July everything was fine - Sal CMSU - 9/7 09:34:38
               Yet there was still a level 4 advisory - meatiger MU - 9/7 09:36:37
                    Yet the State Department allowed a group of CA high school - Spanky KU - 9/7 09:45:51
                         "allowed" - ashtray UF - 9/7 09:59:26
                              Yes... 'allowed'(nm) - Spanky KU - 9/7 10:19:59
                                   you're such a phony conservative - ashtray UF - 9/7 10:45:27
                                        Because I belive the gummint should tell the truth - Spanky KU - 9/7 11:05:52
                                             yes, really - ashtray UF - 9/7 11:55:36
                                                  -You dance very badly(nm) - Spanky KU - 9/7 12:11:27
                                                       calling you out on facts isn't dancing - ashtray UF - 9/7 12:30:00
                              Did they warn the kids? - Sal CMSU - 9/7 10:02:11
                                   yes, it's publicly available to everybody that has an - ashtray UF - 9/7 10:03:44
                    I'm just saying, if you want to call out the words - Sal CMSU - 9/7 09:37:22
                         oh..a what abouts - meatiger MU - 9/7 09:39:17
                              That is literally all you do - Sal CMSU - 9/7 09:42:33
                                   I pointed it out - meatiger MU - 9/7 09:45:38
                                        You assume Trump would have had - Sal CMSU - 9/7 09:46:16
                                             same strategy in what way? - meatiger MU - 9/7 09:50:19

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